
Biden Appears to Say He Has Cancer; White House Clarifies

Biden Appears to Say He Has Cancer
U.S. President Joe Biden at the graduation and commissioning ceremony at the U.S. Naval Academy Memorial Stadium on May 27, 2022 in Annapolis, Maryland. | Image by Getty Images

(The Center Square) – During a climate speech in Massachusetts Wednesday, President Joe Biden appeared to say he has cancer.

“That’s why I and so damn many other people I grew up with have cancer and why for the longest time Delaware had the highest cancer rate in the nation,” Biden said, referring to emissions from oil refineries near his childhood home in Delaware.

But a White House spokesperson later clarified that Biden was referring to having non-melanoma skin cancers removed before he took office.

It initially was unclear whether this was an admission of Biden’s health status or a verbal flub where the president was trying to say that he “has had” cancer in the past.

NOTE: This story was updated to reflect new information.


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  1. Bobby

    Hurry up and die you traitorous POS. CHINA JOE PEDOPHILE BIDEN….the worst of the worst Demorcaps

    • Joe

      You are more likely to be a PEDOPHILE than Joe Biden you ignorant Retrumplican biotch!

    • Glenn SJ

      Kamala is standing by. I’m sure you can’t wait to see her in the oval office.

  2. Pa Mo

    But he flew on a jet and drove in a car to tell people this?????? Press burned fuel and energy to record a useless speach???? Hypocrites, all of them!

  3. HomerDude

    So “rain oil” has so far given Joe asthma and now cancer.

    Did it also give Hunter Chinese money and force him to spend it on crack and hookers?

  4. William McBreen

    Actually Pervy Joe IS the cancer! A cancer on our society.

  5. Robert

    Biden bye bye you’d screed up country


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