Legacy media outlets are being called out after the left-leaning “fact-checking” website Snopes acknowledged that the contents of a stolen diary alleged to have belonged to President Joe Biden’s daughter were, in fact, authentic.

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, Ashley Biden’s diary was stolen by a Florida woman who sold it to an independent news outlet. Aimee Harris pled guilty to the crime in 2022 and avoided sentencing until April of this year. Her sentencing hearing was pushed more than 10 times as a result of her claiming medical issues and childcare concerns. She received one month for the theft.

The stolen diary’s contents were published online but largely ignored or contested by mainstream media outlets that suggested its veracity should be questioned. Confirmation of the diary’s authenticity came in the form of a letter Ashley Biden wrote to the judge overseeing the proceedings in Harris’ case, which implored them to give the guilty party jail time to “ensure that another woman isn’t bullied and shamed like this ever again,” per CNBC.

Libs of TikTok took a swipe at Snopes in a post on X, juxtaposing images of its fact-checking grade for the diary’s contents before and after Ashley Biden’s letter was made public last month.

“Left-wing ‘fact checkers’ Snopes are now admitting that Ashley Biden’s diary is verified after Ashley wrote a letter to the judge confirming the diary is hers and is real,” Libs of TikTok wrote.

The right-leaning account also put a spotlight on a notable portion of the diary’s published contents, in which Ashley Biden purportedly wrote about “showers with my dad (probably not appropriate)” when she was a child, according to Times Now World.

“Ashley suggested in her diary that she was m0lest*d and took inappropriate showers with her dad. Joe Biden is a p*d0phiIe,” Libs of TikTok wrote.

Despite the salaciousness of the excerpt, Ashley Biden has vociferously denied how certain media outlets and individuals were framing the published contents of the diary, claiming that her “innermost thoughts” were being “constantly distorted and manipulated” in an effort to “peddle grotesque lies by distorting [her] stream-of-consciousness thoughts,” according to Newsweek.

Still, the acknowledgment of the stolen diary’s authenticity prompted further accusations of political bias and derision against the mainstream media for not reporting on the matter now.

“Imagine if this was Trump not Biden. It would be the only story in America. It would be the top story worldwide. Instead, it’s being ignored by the media. Old Twitter would’ve censored it,” Paul A. Szypula wrote on X.

For its part, Newsweek, which did cover Snopes’ fact-checking flip, wrote, “Crucially, while Snopes stated the content published online was authentic, the meaning and significance of what Biden wrote has been interpreted without her consent, without additional context, and, as has been proved in court, was made public as part of a scheme to enrich the people who stole it.”