David DePape, the alleged attacker of Paul Pelosi, called a news station from jail on Friday — the same day a superior court judge ordered the police body camera footage from the incident to be released.

From San Francisco County Jail, DePape called the KTVU Fox 2 newsroom, saying he had an important message.

“Now that you have seen the body cam footage, I have an important message for everyone in America: You’re welcome,” DePape said. “Freedom and liberty isn’t dying, it’s being killed systematically and deliberately.”

“The people killing it have names and addresses,” he continued. “So I got their names and addresses so I could pay them a little visit — have a heart-to-heart chat about their bad behavior.”

The alleged attacker also said, “The tree of liberty needs watering. He needs men of valor — patriots willing to put their own lives on the line and stand in opposition of tyranny.”

DePape, who is Canadian, also apologized.

“What I did was really bad,” he said. But he was not apologizing for breaking into the Pelosi residence.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t get more of them,” DePape continued. “I should’ve come better prepared. I spent all my time exposing government corruption online, only to have them silence my freedom of speech as quickly as they could.”

“The ruling class outsources the recession of the civil rights to private industry,” he continued. “It’s called fascism.”

DePape concluded by saying he had a 300-page website of information “they don’t want you to hear” and is “in the process of trying to set up a new site out of the reach of tyrannical global fascists and their internet censors.”

The body camera footage of the police responding to Paul Pelosi’s 911 call was released on Friday following an order from Judge Stephen M. Murphy.

The footage shows police officers knocking on the door of the Pelosi residence. DePape and Pelosi can be seen standing in the doorway, each holding the same hammer.

A police officer says, “Drop the hammer.” DePape replies, “Nope,” then wrestles the hammer out of Pelosi’s grip and proceeds to raise the hammer over his head and attack Pelosi with it.

Officers immediately tackle DePape, and Pelosi can be seen lying motionless on the ground. Pelosi sustained a skull fracture and other severe injuries to his right arm and hands.

Prosecutors also released security footage of the home’s exterior that shows DePape, with several bags, using the hammer to break into the house.

DePape has pleaded not guilty to several state and federal charges following the attack. According to court filings, he allegedly told police he was searching for then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, intending to tie her up and break her kneecaps.