Keep your umbrella handy; much-needed rain is headed this way and is expected to be around through the weekend.

Lows this evening will be near record warm in the 70s with cloudy skies and a south wind, resembling typical highs for this time of year.

Sprinkles will start Tuesday morning, with a 50% chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon and above-normal temperatures in the low 80s, resulting in a humid week.

According to the latest weather forecast, by Tuesday afternoon, it is expected that half of North Texas will experience rain throughout the day and possibly into the evening.

On Wednesday, there is a 60% chance of rain due to a low-pressure system from California. Rain chances will remain steady for the next six days, but no severe weather is expected.

After experiencing extreme drought in North Texas with no significant rainfall this year, we are expected to receive 2.0″-3.0″ of precipitation by Friday, with additional rain over the weekend.

Halloween is coming up, and it’s important to plan ahead for possible daytime rain and cooler temperatures. To keep your little pirates and goblins warm during the evening trick-or-treating, make sure to dress them in layers, as temperatures will likely be in the 50s. The daytime high for Halloween may only reach around 60 degrees.