Supporters of recently impeached Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton rallied at the Collin County Courthouse on Monday ahead of the Texas Senate trial, which will determine whether Paxton is permanently removed from office.

Nearly 100 supporters convened at the rally, led by Collin County Republican Chairman Abraham George. George accused Texas House Republicans of ignoring the will of Texas voters, who re-elected Paxton last November by a wide margin.

George released a statement on Twitter criticizing the impeachment proceedings as an abuse of power.

“When you can’t beat your opponents in the election, then you go after them using the power of your political office. This is the real abuse of power,” George claimed.

Paxton was impeached on Saturday by a vote of 121-23, with members of both political parties among those voting in favor. All 23 voting against the impeachment were Republicans.

The vote came after the Texas House General Investigating Committee issued 20 articles of impeachment, accusing Paxton of a range of misconduct and crimes. The impeachment articles primarily focused on a taxpayer-funded multi-million dollar whistleblower settlement with former Paxton staffers, whom he allegedly fired in retaliation.

Staff members reportedly told federal authorities that Paxton used his office to benefit Nate Paul, an Austin-based developer who owns World Class Holdings, one of the largest development portfolios in the United States. Paxton allegedly helped Paul access documents related to an FBI investigation into his business and home.

Paxton allegedly received a $25,000 donation from Paul, which was used to remodel Paxton’s home and employ a mistress from an affair that Paxton has admitted to. Paxton is married to Texas Senator Angela Paxton (R-McKinney).

The Collin County protesters seemed to agree with Texas Senator Ted Cruz and former president Donald Trump that Paxton’s impeachment was unwarranted. Both prominent Republicans released statements condemning the impeachment effort and urging Paxton’s acquittal in the Texas Senate.

Prior to the impeachment vote, Trump took to Truth Social to comment, “Hopefully Republicans in the Texas House will agree that this is a very unfair process that should not be allowed to happen or proceed. I will fight for [Paxton] if it does.”

Trump also criticized Texas Governor Greg Abbott for remaining silent on the proceedings, alleging that the governor is “missing in action.”

Paxton himself believes he will be acquitted in the Senate, making his view clear in a statement he released on Twitter after his impeachment:

“I am beyond grateful to have the support of millions of Texans who recognize that what we just witnessed is illegal, unethical, and profoundly unjust. I look forward to a quick resolution in the Texas Senate, where I have full confidence the process will be fair and just.”