A North Texas man who calls himself “a car salesman’s worst nightmare” has been terrorizing automobile dealerships in the DFW area for more than a year.
Posing as a potential customer, Ahmer Saeed visits various dealerships and asks to “test drive” one of the expensive high-performance vehicles, such as Mercedes, Porsche, Ferrari, or Lamborghini. He frequently posts videos on Instagram of his “test drives,” which show him driving recklessly through the metroplex, quickly accelerating to high rates of speed and performing burnouts, donuts, and other maneuvers. He steers with just one hand as he films the action with his smartphone in his other hand.
In some of the videos, the hapless salesperson in the passenger seat can be heard telling the driver to stop or pull over.
“Alright, we’re done. We’re done. You’re done. I’m done,” one salesperson tells Saeed as he reaches over to take the keys from the ignition.
A salesman in another video can be heard exclaiming, “Whoo whoa, whoa, Bro. You’re freaking me out, Bro. You’re freaking me out.”
The Texas Automobile Dealers Association (TADA) issued an alert about Saeed last year, warning that his reckless antics were putting the lives of the sales staff at risk, CBS News Texas reported. The local chapter of the TADA recently issued another warning about Saeed, as his “test drives” have continued.
A salesman at Moritz Kia in Hurst was the unwilling copilot on one of Saeed’s “joyrides.”
“[Saeed] gets on the test drive with the salesman and immediately starts spinning the tires, and it looks like he was going 100, 120 miles an hour and the salesman was pretty scared,” said General Manager Matt Ducotte, per CBS.
“There are other people’s lives at risk,” Ducotte continued. “You can see him doing this out on the streets … so it’s just an unsafe situation when someone is driving recklessly like that.”
Edgar Lopez, a salesman at a Brandon Tomes dealership, was trapped in the vehicle with Saeed for nearly two and a half hours as the driver ignored his instructions to pull over and get off the road. At times the vehicle hit speeds of more than 160 mph, Lopez told CBS.
“It was just a whole bunch of emotions of fear and wanting to get back to my house and wife and kids safely,” he said. “It’s very angering that he sees this as a game. He sees people’s lives as a game.”
“Anybody that would take pleasure in that kind of ‘torture,’ if you will, is just a terrible human,” Brandon Tomes said, per CBS.
Although many salespersons in the DFW area have unwittingly become passengers on Saeed’s reckless test drives, only two dealerships have contacted the police about the situation, and neither one filed a police report about the incident.
Saeed did not respond to requests for comment, but he did post a video in which he dismissed the seriousness of his test drive habit.
“The cars are completely fine, they drive fine, so no provable damage has been done to the cars,” he said in the video, per CBS.
Up to this point, no one has been injured during his test drives, but that could potentially change if his alleged pattern of reckless driving continues.