A Mansfield police officer aided a citizen in removing a large snake from her home on Monday morning.

The Mansfield Police Department announced in a social media post that it had received a report that a snake had been found in a local resident’s home during the morning hours of September 4.

The unnamed resident reported that the snake was coiled up in her sink.

MPD sent Officer Lynch in response to the call.

“When the call was dispatched, all of the officers knew that Officer Lynch was the perfect person for the job,” said the department in the post.

Officer Lynch successfully captured the snake and removed it from the home. In a social media post, the department included an image of her holding the snake and smiling.

This apparently is not the first time Officer Lynch has been called to respond to a case such as this. The department posted an image of her saving another snake that had been found in the parking lot of the police department on August 10.

The type of snake discovered in the home is currently unknown, but one user commenting on the department’s social media post identified it as a rat snake, which is a non-venomous species. The snake has since been relocated and released in a safe area.

Officer Lynch is not the only snake-wrangling police officer in the North Texas area.

Officer Steve Burres of the Irving Police Department is his department’s “snake whisperer.” He captured a large snake that had been blocking a woman from reaching her car last month, as reported by The Dallas Express.

The snake measured over 8 feet in length. The City of Irving does not allow residents to keep snakes over 6 feet long as pets, so after Burres captured the snake, it was taken to a wildlife rehabilitation sanctuary, according to IPD.

Also in August, “out of the sky, out of the clear blue,” a snake fell on top of Silsbee resident Peggy Jones, as previously reported by The Dallas Express. The snake proceeded to wrap itself around her arm and tighten its grip. It even tried to strike her face, breaking her glasses in the process. Then a hawk, seemingly trying to reclaim its lost prey, swooped down and began attacking Jones and the snake.

Eventually, the hawk managed to snatch the snake off Jones’ arm, which was bruised by the snake’s constrictions and torn up badly by the bird’s sharp talons. She promptly went to a nearby hospital, where staff could not believe the incredible story.