The editorial board is pleased to introduce The Dallas Express Podcast, a long-form, wide-ranging video talk show featuring co-founder and board member Sarah Zubiate Bennett.

On The Dallas Express Podcast, Sarah will be speaking with some of the most influential members of our beloved Dallas and metroplex communities, including corporate leaders, cultural gurus, elected officials, policy experts, real estate professionals, and more. 

In these conversations, followers of The Dallas Express can expect deep dives on the pressing issues they’ve grown accustomed to reading about daily on our site, with the same edge and insight that set The People’s Paper apart, such as:

  • The unchecked crime that drives businesses and families out of Dallas, especially the once-vibrant Downtown district.
  • The homelessness and vagrancy that leave our city’s streets unsafe and unclean, even as millions of dollars flow from Dallas taxpayers’ pockets to City Hall’s Office of Homeless Solutions.
  • The failing schools that leave Dallas children — especially those most in need of opportunity — with little choice and little chance for a quality education.
  • The backed-up permitting and burdensome regulations that make it next to impossible to build in Dallas, even as our neighbors across North Texas reap the fruits of record growth.

All these and more will be explored with the people of Dallas first in mind, and with The Dallas Express’ usual devotion to accountability and transparency between our readers and those in places of public trust.

The podcast won’t be all business, though. Part of the show will focus on the cultural highlights and lifestyle outlets that make Dallas great, even among our many challenges.

To get a sense of what the program is going to look like, check out the promotional video here:

As Sarah puts it here, The Dallas Express Podcast “will explore what it takes to make Dallas the best city and DFW the best community in the United States.”

If you share The Dallas Express’ interest in that goal, keep an eye out for the first episode, coming soon. Subscribe to The Dallas Express Newsletter, download The Dallas Express app, and follow The Dallas Express on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to ensure you don’t miss the launch. Follow Sarah on Instagram and Twitter. Happy reading, and happy viewing.