Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport has apparently been ranked one of the worst airports in the country for Memorial Day weekend travel, coming in 12th for delayed departures, according to a new study by Risk Strategies JW Surety Bonds:
“Memorial Day weekend is one of the year’s busiest travel periods, with millions of Americans taking to the skies for a well-deserved break. This increased flight demand can lead to delays and cancellations, causing frustration for travelers.
“To help you make informed decisions when booking your Memorial Day travel, we analyzed data from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Air Travel Consumer Report to identify the best and worst airlines to rely on during this hectic holiday weekend.”
Some key takeaways from the study include:
“Early morning flights generally have the best on-time departure performance. Flights scheduled between 6-7 a.m. across various airports have high on-time percentages, with most airports as high as 96.4%.
“Afternoon and early evening flights generally have the worst on-time departure performance. Flights between 2-3 p.m. tend to have lower on-time percentages, with some airports dipping as low as 64.8%.”
To see Risk Strategies’ full study, please click HERE.