Get ready to bundle up — Dallas and Fort Worth could see their first freeze of the season next week.

The National Weather Service predicts a 25% chance that temperatures will drop to 32 degrees on Friday, November 22, NBC 5 reported.

The odds are higher for areas like Denton and Decatur, with a 40% likelihood of a freeze. If it happens, it will hit right on schedule, as the average first freeze date for North Texas is November 22.


The earliest freeze on record occurred on October 22, 1898, while the latest occurred on January 4, 1972.

On average, North Texas experiences 29 days of freezing temperatures each year. However, in the winter of 1977-1978, the region saw a record 62 freezing days, while the 2016-2017 winter had only 11.

To prepare for the cold snap, the National Weather Service advises residents to protect sensitive plants, insulate water pipes, and bring pets indoors. While the first freeze is imminent, don’t expect it to stick around for long. Freezing temperatures usually last until mid-March, though they’ve been recorded as late as mid-April.

In the meantime, the forecast for Dallas this week calls for mild and sunny conditions. Expect highs in the mid-60s to mid-70s, with cooler nights dipping into the 40s and 50s.