Parents and youth caregivers have another tool in their arsenal to help children and teens conquer mental health challenges.  

Set to launch on Oct. 1, is releasing a revamped and updated website and resource for child and teen mental health services across the U.S. 

KIDS Therapy Finder is a free online initiative of resources and information to help parents find the help they need and the care their children deserve.  

Parents can access the website’s local business directory to find and connect with top-rated pediatric mental health professionals, such as therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, other related wellness providers, therapeutic schools, and residential treatment programs for children and teens. 

Currently, there are more than 280 resources on the website when searching “Dallas” as the location.  

KIDS Therapy Finder is founded and managed by Michelle Rigg, LCSW, a Registered Play Therapist. 

“Technology has allowed us to create a platform to share information in real-time without the reliance on collecting potentially outdated contacts from business cards, brochures, and lists,” said Michelle Rigg. 

What sets KIDS Therapy Finder apart from other online mental health resources are four critical distinguishing factors: 

  • Directory of specialty therapeutic providers solely focused on children and teens 
  • Endorsement by a prestigious panel of child experts from varied pediatric fields 
  • A digital platform that makes resources more accessible 
  • User-friendly and easily navigated on desktop or mobile, with advanced filtering options

“At a time when the ongoing global pandemic has led to a growing concern for children’s mental health, anxiety and depression in children and teens are on the rise, and services are changing to more virtual support, we felt the urgency to launch this project with advanced, relevant features, and resources for parents desperately seeking professional support for their family,” said Rigg.