Take yourself places as a friend, companion, and a lover of God. Bask in the company of oneself and dance with the shadows that nip at your heels. Freely toss smiles into the air and blow kisses, imagining each landing lightly upon a stranger in need.

Arise each day and stretch heavenward, knowing you traverse on God’s private property. Be a good steward of His creation and time.

Tend to your thoughts as you would a garden; grow good fruit that is worth sharing.

When the Lord tugs upon you to act, do not engage in excuses or resistance. MOVE. DO. The impact of an action led by God does not need to be known to obey.

Walk humbly to find appreciation in diversity. Speak lovingly to bridge pain to praise. Listen actively to strengthen connections. And touch passionately with intention to experience both nature’s seasons and human nature. Live life within the gift of a single moment.

Choose authenticity. Stand your ground in truth, but do not think yourself so wise as to justify when you are wrong. Learn the power of a sincere apology.

Taste your words before you speak them. A sour word can bring bitterness into a relationship.


The cost of living is life itself. Let your currency be grace.

Our paths may never cross, but if they do, may we leave one another encouraged in Christ, bolstered in hope, and fortified in knowing that the Jesus in me recognizes the Jesus in you.

Do not give another permission to discount your value. Christ takes us “as-is,” whereas others associate “as-is” as damaged. Defer to your Creator — He knows your worth. Jesus endured the cross for your life. Your value is not discounted. No. It has been paid in full.

Even the winged bird, who knows how to fly, understands the importance of rest.

Make space for quiet time with God. Feathers are often unruffled in the moments between “Dear Heavenly Father” and “Amen.”

May your outward presence reflect your inward peace. Ask yourself how you can continue to express peace within your life and to others.

Play. Take a recess. Appreciate the sound of your laughter and allow it to surface and surf upon the waves of circumstance. A sense of humor will carry you far, even in the deepest waters.

Remember the best in others — the small moments someone took the time to lend you a hand, offer a shoulder, or speak a kind word. Take these remembrances and position them as stars upon a dark sky. Perhaps someone is doing the same for the moments you have brightened their life. What beauty we bestow when, instead of complaining about the darkness, we become the light.

As you go about this week, be mindful of where you put your energy, emotions, and time. We are each transitioning, moving from one change to the next. Ground yourself in Christ and notice who else is moving around you, who comes to mind, and who stirs your heart. Slow yourself long enough to connect with life and living, even if but to feel the smile and kiss that someone has blown into the air for you to enjoy.


This column was initially published by CherryRoad Media. ©Tiffany Kaye Chartier.
