Those who happen to have a little extra money to spend this year may want to consider some of the top vacation spots from a recent industry ranking, according to a report by Fox 5 Washington DC:

“A new report has revealed the most luxurious destinations across the United States.

“Covering 100 cities, wealth planning company Dominion evaluated each destination based on 29 factors, organized into seven essential categories: luxury accommodations, gastronomic options, transportation, recreation, shopping, beauty and wellness, and entertainment.

“‘Whether you’re interested in experiencing a romantic escape in style, a weekend of pampering or a high-octane adventure, the many alluring cities of the US have got you covered,’ the company wrote on its website.

“The company found that New York City, Las Vegas and Los Angeles stood out as top destinations for the luxury experience. San Francisco and Chicago rounded out the top five.”

To read the entire article by Fox 5 Washington DC, please click HERE.