I often tell myself not to let Satan splash water on my face and convince me that I am drowning.

I felt like I was sinking a few years back, but I learned I was not drowning — I was learning to swim in new waters. The only thing simple about that time in my life was the simple fact that I would not have made it safely to the shoreline without God’s tight grip upon me.

The shore looks different than what I imagined, but then again, that is how God works. He paints with colors that my limited mind and abilities cannot create. He works with masterpieces. Better put, all of my broken pieces are put together by the Master. In this truth rests my trust, and in His hands, I place my life.

Change can be brutal.


Many agree that the top five most stressful life events are as follows (not in any order): major illness or injury, death of a loved one, divorce, moving, and job loss. When splashed with one or more of these, you have two options: drown in uncertainty or focus on what is certain.

What few things are certain?

When life feels lopsided, it is best to regain our balance. Below are only ten of the tens of thousands of things to keep in mind when the waves hit. Although these tidbits are common knowledge, it is good to prompt ourselves to look toward the shoreline rather than exhaust our view upon thrashing waters.

1. The most active thing in your life needs to be your relationship with Christ.

2. Overthinking does not aid the outcome: time will pass whether you use it fretting or moving forward in faith.

3. You have less control than you often think or want. Dalai Lama once said, “If you can do something about a situation, why worry? And if you can’t do something about a situation, why worry?”

4. Significant stressors often occur without our permission. We can ignore the symptoms and signs, but we will eventually trip over what we overlook. It is better to face the truth than lie to yourself.

5. Not everyone will be on or by your side. Some are too busy in their struggle to notice yours; others will choose to act busy to avoid being sucked into taking a side. And some will be hurt by your decisions; although they may love you, their hurt speaks louder than their love… but not forever, you hope. Regardless, you must choose to be on your own side. Be in favor of yourself. Do not neglect self-care basics: sun, sleep, nutrition, and exercise. You don’t owe the world an explanation for taking care of yourself (mentally, physically, spiritually).

6. Rain falls upon us all. Death is not prejudiced. Pain is not partial. People will disappoint. Life is not always fair. We often replay events or dwell on what happened — overanalyzing rather than working on acceptance (with or without the wanted apology, being able to fix it, or the clarity that comes from understanding). Desmond Tutu said, “Without forgiveness, there’s no future.” Do not cheat today by living in yesterday. Forgive others. Forgive yourself. Your only time to live is in the present. BE PRESENT. Live with a purpose that makes you better rather than bitter.

7. Rather than respond in kind to people, be kind. One of your most extraordinary abilities is in choosing how you react.

8. Storms don’t last forever. The sun will rise and shine upon you again. You can start over. You do not have to live in regret, anxiety, sadness, guilt, fear, or anger. Romans 12:12 reads, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Wake up talking to God and never stop. Give God your wounds and allow Him to work within and with you for healing. Believe in new beginnings.

9. Move. Get up. Make your bed. Get dressed. Praise God. Get into the Word. Do something productive. Celebrate small victories. Serve others in love.

10. Cultivate your needs. Anne Morrow Lindbergh said, “Don’t wish me happiness. I don’t expect to be happy all the time; it’s gotten beyond that somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor — I will need them all.” Assess what is truly needed to reflect the life Christ desires for you. Then live into this life daily, leaning into Christ until the day He holds you tightly in His arms.

May we remember that life will bring new waters, but we will not drown. God’s grip is upon us, and by His power, we will make it to where He leads.


This column was initially published by CherryRoad Media. ©Tiffany Kaye Chartier.