October is the month of pumpkin lattes and carving pumpkins, both of which can be a treat!

Try something outside the traditional Trick-or-Treat holiday happenings and swap your tricks for riddles. Yes, riddles.


Gather your family and have a little fun this month as we share some fun riddles compiled by Today.

Here is Today’s list of “Best Halloween Riddles”:

Halloween Riddles
  • What has 13 hearts but no other organs? Answer: A deck of cards.
  • When the witch was 8, her brother was half her age. Now the witch is 14. How old is her brother? Answer: 10. Half the witch’s age would make him 4. Now that she’s 14, subtract 4 and you get 10.
  • You spell ghost, G-H-O-S-T. Can you spell that without using a “g”? Answer: T-H-A-T.
  • Count Dracula’s mother had three children. The first was named Lucius. The second was named Matilda. What was the name of the third? Answer: Dracula.
Halloween Riddles
  • I have a tail but no body. What am I? Answer: A coin.
  • Werewolves can make it, but can’t see it or hold it. Was is it? Answer: Noise.
  • Everyone has one of me but I’m impossible to lose. What am I? Answer: A shadow.
  • I have three pumpkins and you take away two of them. How many pumpkins do you have? Answer: Two, because you took away two of them.
  • What has three feet but can’t walk? Answer: A yardstick.
  •  What runs, but never walks. Occasionally murmurs but never talks. It has a bed but doesn’t sleep and a mouth but doesn’t eat? Answer: A river.
Halloween Riddles
  • Which is heavier? A pound of candy corn or a pound of pumpkins? Answer: They’re the same. A pound is a pound.
  • I have a straight back and sharp teeth that bite. What am I? Answer: A saw.
  • The more you take away, the bigger I get. What am I? Answer: A grave.
  • I’m a ball, but I can’t be kicked, thrown or tossed. What am I? Answer: An eyeball.
Halloween Riddles
  • I have many teeth, but don’t bite. What am I? Answer: A comb.
  • I have five fingers and a thumb, but I will never be alive. What am I? Answer: A glove.
  • I have a tail and four feet, but no arms or legs. What am I? Answer: A fork.
  • You can hear me, feel me and know that I’m there. But you’ll never ever ever find me. What am I? Answer: The wind.
  • I once had eyes and a brain, but now I’m empty. What am I? Answer: A skull.
Halloween Riddles
  • I’m covered with eyes and can often be found in your belly. What am I? Answer: A potato.
  • I grow only in the damp, murky darkness, but become shiny in the light. What am I? Answer: A pearl.
  • I come at night without being asked, then leave in the morning without being taken. What am I? Answer: The stars.
  • October has 31 days, but some months have just 30. How many months have 28 days? Answer: All of them.
  • I am always hungry and must be fed. If I lick your finger, it’s sure to turn red. What am I? Answer: A fire.
  • You hear me once and then once more. But I then I die until you call like before. What am I? Answer: An echo.
Halloween Riddles
  • You can’t see me and if you say my name, I will disappear. What am I? Answer: Silence.
  • I am tall when I’m new and grow shorter when I’m old. Every Halloween you can find me glowing inside a jack-o’-lantern. What am I? Answer: A candle.
  • I am made of all ears but can’t hear a thing. What am I? Answer: A cornfield.

Scary Halloween Riddles

  • Imagine there’s a boogie man living under your bed and he’s coming to eat you. What do you do? Answer: Quit imagining.
  • In the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse, where do you bury the survivors? Answer: You don’t bury survivors.
  • A haunted house has 17 ghosts, all but nine leave. How many are left? Answer: Nine.
  • If you only have one match and are trapped in a coffin with a candle and a lamp, which one do you light first? Answer: The match.
Halloween Riddles
  • The floor of a one-story haunted house is black and the walls are green. What color are the stairs? Answer: There are no stairs, it’s a one-story house.
  • A ghost rides into town on Monday, spends one night at a haunted house, then leaves on Monday. How is this possible? Answer: The ghost’s horse is named “Monday.”
  • The more of these a witch takes, the more she leaves behind. What are they? Answer: Footsteps.
  • The person who made me doesn’t want me. The person who bought me doesn’t need me. The person who uses me will never know. What am I? Answer: A coffin.
  • I’m in you. You’re often in me. If I surround you completely, I can kill. What am I? Answer: Water.
Halloween Riddles
  • I come with something beautiful but am razor sharp. If you don’t treat me with care, I will make you bleed. What am I? Answer: A thorn.
  • I silently go up and down your stairs without ever making a sound. What am I? Answer: The carpet.
  • I have three eyes in a row and one of them glows bright red. What am I? Answer: A stoplight.

Funny Halloween Riddles

  • Where do witches do research? On Wickedpedia.
  • Where do vampires invest their money? Crypt-o currency.
  • What do you call a werewolf with a fever? A hot dog.
  • Why did the mummy go to jail? He had a long wrap sheet.
  • Did you hear about the two vampires that got into an argument? They had bad blood.
  • What did one skeleton say to the other? I’ve got a bone to pick with you.
  • Where do you find zombie houses? On a dead end street.
  • How do you fix a broken jack-o’-lantern? With a pumpkin patch.
Halloween Riddles
  • Why don’t zombies eat comedians? Because they taste funny.
  • Where did the vampire go to cash his check? The blood bank.
  • What do witches study in school? Spelling.
  • Why didn’t the skeleton go to the prom? She had no body to dance with.
  • What did one pumpkin say to the other? I’ve only got pies for you.
  • Why did the angry witch leave her broom at home? She kept flying off the handle.
Halloween Riddles
  • How do you know if a vampire is rich? It has blue blood.
  • What do you call a skeleton that won’t get out of bed. Lazy bones.
  • How do you dispose of dead elements? Barium.
  • What lives in the woods, has a bark but never makes a sound? A tree.

Ghost Riddles

  • Where do spirits go to buy stamps? The ghost office.
  • What do ghosts use to fix their hair? Scare spray.
  • What kind of pancakes do ghosts like? Booberry.
  • What’s a ghost’s favorite dessert? Ice scream.
  • What kind of rocks do ghosts collect? Tombstones.
  • Why did the ghost ride the elevator? It wanted to lift its spirit.
Halloween Riddles
  • What do ghosts like to read? Boo-ks.
  • Why aren’t ghosts very good liars? Because you can see right through them.
  • What’s a ghost’s favorite sport? Haunting.
  • Did you hear about the ghost that went to a Halloween party? I guess it was a real scream.
  • How do ghosts become pilots? They go to fright school.
  • How do ghosts predict the future? They check their horror-scope.