Texans top the residents of all other states in deceit, according to a recent survey.

Solitaire Bliss launched a survey in late August asking approximately 2,000 respondents to weigh in on their propensity for duplicity.

The acts of cheating varied from minor infractions, such as cutting in line or adding extra punches to their loyalty cards, to larger ones, including stepping out on a partner or fudging their work hours.

Texas earned a score of 63.70, making it the most dishonest state in the country, ahead of Alabama (63.13), Nebraska (60.89), and California (60.63).

On the opposite end of the spectrum sat New Mexico (43.10), Maryland (44.11), Minnesota (45.86), Missouri (46.33), and Colorado (46.55).

Here’s a closer look at the ways the cheating hearts of Texas bend the rules, according to the survey.

  • Dietary Deception: 77% admitted to cheating on a diet.
  • Queue Cutters: 51% said they sneak ahead in line.
  • Workplace Dishonesty: 45% confessed to work-related transgressions.
  • Age Ambiguity: 40% said they’ve lied about their age.
  • Relationship Infidelity: 28% had cheated on a partner.

Of course, Texans aren’t the only ones dancing with deception in those honky tonks.

Although the prevalence and nature of the moral offense might vary, the survey found that cheating is a nationwide phenomenon. Moreover, most of the admitted rogues (53%) said they don’t regret it.

Yet if it’s any consolation, Americans most frequently cheat themselves, with a whopping 72% owning up to straying from their diets and 44% admitting to flimflamming in single-player games.

Line cutting at 39% was by far the most common societal offense among Americans, followed by lying about their age (35%), cheating in multi-player games (27%), committing minor theft at stores (23%), and exaggerating tax deductions (10%).

Solitaire Bliss’ survey was conducted on a rather small sample — so small that there were insufficient data on a dozen states, including Alaska, Hawaii, and Wyoming.

Nonetheless, the Lone Star State has featured near the top of similar rankings.

For instance, Family Minded ranked Texas No.17 in terms of marital infidelity nationwide, leveraging data from Cosmopolitan and the website Ashley Madison in 2022. The cities of Arlington, Plano, and Garland were highlighted as being the most unfaithful of all.

Yet a more recent study conducted this year by My Dating Advisor using data from the U.S. Census Bureau named Dallas as the cheating capital of the country, as covered previously in The Dallas Express. Fort Worth ranked second, and Houston followed in third place.

On the flip side, Laredo came in as one of the most faithful cities in the U.S. at No.5 — lovers in Laredo, rejoice!