Recent surveys indicate waning support in the United States for controversial issues dealing with gender ideology.

A study by Gallup found that 69% of Americans believe that athletes should only be allowed to compete in gendered sports that correspond to their sex assigned at birth. This represents an increase of 7% since Gallup’s last poll on the same subject in 2021.

Another question in the poll gauged Americans’ view of gender transitioning from a moral perspective. The poll found that 55% of Americans consider it “morally wrong to change one’s gender,” marking a four-point uptick since Gallup last asked the question two years ago.


The poll found a largely partisan divide among respondents. While Republicans and Independents have grown more skeptical of gender transitions, Democrats swung three points toward considering the practice morally acceptable.

Another poll, commissioned by the Daily Mail, found that a majority of Americans — 59% — believed “the promotion of trans/gender ideology in America” has “gone too far.” Only 16% said it has “not gone far enough.” Notably, 51% of Gen Z respondents said that transgender ideology has gone too far, while 23% said it “has not gone far enough.”

The poll also asked Americans about their views on corporate displays of Pride regalia and explicit LGBT marketing campaigns. Respondents were split, with 26% saying they strongly support companies like Target placing LGBT products on display and 28% saying they were strongly opposed. Another 23% reported feeling indifferent about the issue.

LGBT issues have become an increasingly divisive part of political and cultural battles. DFW has been swept up in the national debate.

Recently, The Dallas Express reported that several ANTIFA members were indicted in Tarrant County and later sued by Catholic activists after a clash with police and protestors at a “family-friendly” drag show outside a brewery in Fort Worth.

Such issues have also animated some parents and community activists in public school systems across the region, with many taking to school board meetings to voice their concerns regarding transgender bathroom policies and the teaching of gender ideology to children, as previously reported by The Dallas Express.