A Washington-based pastor recently stressed to parents the importance of not simply relying on secular institutions or even churches to teach their children their religious values.

While he did not explicitly comment on some of the anti-Christian rhetoric and violence that has made headlines in recent years, Pastor Jesse Bradley of Grace Community Church in Auburn advised parents to make a real investment in their children’s spirituality.

Here is some of what Fox News reported on Bradley’s advice:


“Every child is a gift from God. Every child is wonderfully and uniquely designed. And every child is made in the image of God,” Pastor Jesse Bradley of Washington told Fox News Digital this week as back-to-school season gets underway for millions of children across the country.

But “how we value, protect and love children reveals the spiritual health of a nation,” he also said.

The lead pastor at Grace Community Church in Auburn, Washington, also a husband and father, said he’s particularly keeping the faith of children in mind amid today’s secular and highly divisive culture.

Referencing Matthew 19:14, Bradley said, “Jesus said do not hinder kids from coming to Him because the kingdom of God belongs to them.”

The Christian faith leader added, “Jesus died for our sins and overcame the grave, which gives every child peace with God and shalom in the home.”

He said that “parents want to share with their kids what is most meaningful and beneficial, but passing along your faith can be more difficult than it sounds.”