A Dallas-Fort Worth city has launched an Open Rewards Program to help encourage consumers to shop at local businesses.
As part of the new program, Southlake is giving 5% cash back on purchases made at any of the designated 320 local businesses. The program was announced last month and will reportedly run until the spring or until the city’s budget for the initiative is depleted. The city plans to allocate $75,000 towards the cash-back program, which is sourced from occupancy tax revenue from Southlake’s four hotels.
After the holiday season, business tends to slow for retailers and restaurants. As a result, the city generates less tax revenue, too.
“That’s typically where we see sales tax take a dip. The city wants to support local businesses here in town, and the truth is, there is no catch,” Daniel Cortez, director of economic development and tourism for the city of Southlake, told CBS News Texas.
Individuals can download the Open Rewards app from their Android or Apple app store to enjoy the savings. Upon linking a credit card to the app, rewards will be earned automatically when shopping, dining, or attending entertainment venues.
Alternatively, without linking your card, individuals can go into the app after making a purchase and click “claim rewards.” Select the business where a purchase was made and include a photo of the receipt as proof of purchase.
According to Cortez, the program’s inspiration came after assessing sales tax data that showed revenue fell during the winter and spring seasons. He said the COVID-19 pandemic and rapidly rising prices also hurt business activity in the city. Southlake experienced less traffic but, at the same time, incurred higher rent and payroll expenses.
“Businesses are busy providing services with restaurants making great meals and retailers selling their products. We want to drive tourism in Southlake,” Cortez added.
For more details about the offer, visit the official Southlake Open Rewards website.