Girl Scout cookie season is just around the corner. Here’s everything you need to know about satisfying your sweet tooth this year.

In addition to being delicious, the money raised from the cookie sales in North Texas will go toward funding for STEM programs, camping trips, and community projects. After the sales are over, according to their website, “Girl Scouts pool their money as a troop and use it to fuel their Girl Scout adventures throughout the year.”

Cookie sales are a very important source of funding for the Girl Scout programs, and all of the profit stays with the local troops.

“Every box of Girl Scout Cookies you purchase will help us innovate and reimagine Girl Scouts for the future,” Jennifer Borkowski, CEO of Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas, said.  “We’re focused on empowering girls as they look to the future, creating more opportunities for girls to lead in their communities.”

Buying Girl Scout cookies can also help the individual scouts. Though they cannot make any direct profit from your purchase, based on their sales numbers they may receive program- or store-related credits or travel experiences.


Girl Scouts will start selling individually and online this Friday, January 13. The organized booth sales will start on January 27.

In-person sales end on February 26 and online sales end on March 5.

An exciting addition is joining the classic Girl Scout flavors. Raspberry Rally will be available for online orders on February 27. The Dallas Morning News describes this cookie as “a berry twist on the traditional Thin Mint.”

You can purchase cookies online through the Girl Scout’s Digital Cookie Platform. There is also an app called the “Digital Cookie Mobile App” available on iPhones and Androids.

The complete list of cookies that will be sold is as follows: Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Samoas, Toffee-tastics, Adventurfuls, Lemon-ups, Trefoils, Do-si-dos, and S’mores. A new flavor — Raspberry Rally — will also be available for digital purchase only. It is a berry-licious adaptation of the classic Thin Mint.

Thin Mints are actually the top-selling Girl Scout cookie, followed by Caramel deLites, Samoas, Peanut Butter Patties, Tagalongs, and Adventurfuls.

All the boxes are $5 with the exception of Toffee-tastics and S’mores which are $6.

You can find an in-person booth in your area by searching your ZIP code on the Girl Scout Cookie Finder.

Sweet Tooth Hotel in Dallas will be hosting Girl Scout cookie sales starting this Friday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., and subsequently every weekend afternoon from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.