Before you dump the grease from your fried turkey this Thanksgiving, consider dropping it off at the Holiday Grease Roundup.

The annual event is part of the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and Fort Worth’s Code Compliance and Water departments campaign to ensure safe disposal of grease while educating the community on the harmful effects fats and oils cause to sewers.

If you pay a Fort Worth water bill, you can drop off used cooking oil and grease year-round at the Environmental Collection Center or at Drop-Off Stations throughout the city.


Once you drop off your oil and grease it is processed by city contractors to be used for energy recovery, biodiesel production, or animal feedstock.

Disposing of oils and grease down your drain can clog them, leave you with a costly plumbing bill, and is harmful to the environment.

The Holiday Grease Roundup started on November 22 and will continue until January 10.

You can learn how to safely dispose of your household grease at these locations across the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.

Only used cooking grease and oil will be accepted. However, if you have used motor oil, it can be recycled at a household hazardous waste location or an automotive supply store.