Dallas native Lawrence “Troy” Mock has created a new cartoon series called Roach & Budd. A longtime creative, Mock has turned his vision into reality after developing an idea for the “stoner” cartoon back in 2014.

“I remember being in first grade and being asked what I wanted to be when I grew up,” he remembers. “And as everyone would say a doctor or lawyer and president, I stood there and told my teacher I wanted to be a cartoonist. I had a passion for art, the creative process, sketching, drawing, and painting during my time in art class. It would bleed over into the next classes as well.”


The cartoon comes after Mock initially shelved the goal of being a cartoonist in his younger years. In his youth, Mock was denied entry into an art institute due to his young age. After, he explored other avenues and industries such as comedy, music, and graphic design.

“I wanted something else other than music and really an avenue of my own to showcase my many talents,” Mock shared with the Dallas Observer. “I had been doing voiceover and sound work in the studio for clients for commercials and stuff, so I decided to take it to the next level. I wanted to get into cartoon voiceover.”

Mock ultimately started to pursue his dreams of creating his new cartoon after meeting artist Jarrad Hamilton. Together, they developed Roach & Budd. The cartoon, once a comic book, follows the character Roach, who becomes a cockroach who can talk after smoking an exotic type of weed, according to the Dallas Observer.

Budd, the other titular character, is described as a regular guy with anxiety. Together, the pair maneuver through life’s ups and downs. The series also slips in some education on marijuana as Mock hopes to dissolve the stigma surrounding cannabis, its use, and the industry. Mock and his team is also developing a documentary that takes a closer look at his cartoon Roach & Budd.