For the past few years, the issue of immigration has been a hot-button topic around the United States, and particularly in Texas, given its proximity to the Mexican border. For this reason, refugee centers are especially active in Texas.

Some of these centers have been operating for over thirty years and aren’t planning on stopping any time soon.

Immigrants who cross the border typically go through Texas and up the United States. By providing them a place to stay once they get into the United States, refugee centers aim to make their journey to America a smooth one by proving the adequate help the refugees may need.

The mission statement of one center reads: “Guided by the principles of human compassion and dignity, Refugee Services of Texas welcomes refugees, immigrants, and other displaced peoples and supports them in integrating and thriving in their new communities.” Refugee Services Texas was founded in 1978 and has been operating since, with the motto “Open Hearts, Fresh Starts.”

They know the consequences of being a free-thinker in other countries, and they know millions of people dream of escaping that. The center provides help for anyone who left based on things like religious views, political issues, war, and identity, to name a few.

Victims of human trafficking are also more than welcome at Refugee Services Texas. Their website states that every year, they help refugees from over thirty different countries escape unfair situations and pursue a better life in the United States.

Another option they offer is the Special Immigrant Visas, or an SIV. A Special Immigrant Visa pertains specifically to refugees or asylum seekers from war-torn countries in the middle east such as Afghanistan and Iraq. Refugees from Cuba and Hatai are also eligible for a special visa.

A major demographic they serve is children. These children may be accompanied or unaccompanied. In the chase they are accompanied, Refugee Services Texas works to reunite these children with their parents or family. Most of these children are from Central America, many being from Mexico or El Salvador.

Starting in Dallas and now boasting six locations over Texas, Refugee Services Texas has programs designed to help refugees enter the country legally and start their new lives over here, whether their final destination lies in Texas or elsewhere. They offer a total of ten programs, each with a different function.

Refugee Services Texas also partners with organizations such as Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas and the United Way Church of Austin.