When Chuck the cat wandered from his family home in California in 2011, his family did all it could to get him back, all to no avail.

After a long search that proved futile, the family started coming to terms with not seeing the cat again. But now, after ten years and hundreds of miles, the family is reunited with their pet.

Chuck’s family lost all hopes of getting him back when the long-lost cat showed up ten years later. It had turned up in the Allen Animal Shelter.

The family moved to Colorado in 2020, but when the microchip installed in Chuck showed that he was in Allen, they drove down to get him.

The family doesn’t know how the cat they lost in California turned up in the northern suburb of Dallas, nor do they have an idea of what happened between 2011 and now. But they are happy to be reunited with him and to know that he is alive.

In owner Ken’s words, “We’re happy to have him back. We wish he could tell us what happened between 2011 and now.”