The sun is a beautiful and enlightening element that can affect the way we feel. However, to enjoy the sun safely, some precautions need to be taken to prevent any long-term effects.   

  1. Sunscreen needs to be at least SPF15. It should be applied thirty minutes before going outside and reapplied every two hours. Make sure to cover all body parts and be generous when applying.
  2. Sunglasses are great protection for the eyes and the skin surrounding the eyes. When purchasing sunglasses, look for ones that are large and are 99% to 100% absorbent of UV rays. The protection should be to block both UVB and UVA ultraviolet rays. 
  3. Tanning oils can provoke the sun to be attracted to the skin. They do not provide protection from UV rays. Sunburns are more common when tanning oils are used, so they have warnings to be avoided because they do not have any SPF.
  4. Avoid the sunniest times of the day, 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Shade can reduce skin damage from the sun and there are also different forms of shade available. Look for trees, umbrellas, buildings, and other shelters, especially during peak times.
  5. Being covered is one of the best types of protection. Clothing is one of the best types of coverage, but there the level of protection is dependent on the type of clothing worn. That is why it is important to look for garments with labels marked with a UV protection factor (UPF). 

The higher the UV protection number is, the safer it is. Don’t let the heat prevent you from enjoying the sun. Enjoy the outside, but do it safely. There are plenty of ways to prepare, protect, and prevent, so the outside can be safely enjoyed.