
SpaceX Plans Another Texas Rocket Launch

SpaceX Starship Launch | Image by SpaceX
SpaceX Starship Launch | Image by SpaceX

SpaceX is planning another rocket launch, according to a report by Fox Weather:

“Elon Musk’s company, SpaceX, said it plans to launch another Starship rocket from Texas about two months after its third test flight of the new vehicle reached space.

“The fourth test flight will be the quickest turnaround time yet for SpaceX’s mega-rocket and Super Heavy booster from its launch site in Bocha Chica, along the Texas coast.

“SpaceX has been attempting to achieve orbit since April 2023. During the third attempt in March, Starship made it to space but was lost on re-entry.

“After each attempt, SpaceX undergoes a mishap investigation by the Federal Aviation Administration and makes any changes before another Starship launch.”

To read the full article from Fox Weather, click HERE.

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