A Dallas hospital has revealed a new mobile vaccination unit.

Parkland Health announced that its new mobile vaccination clinic officially rolled out on Dallas County streets on March 25. The medical provider created this new clinic to increase the vaccination rates of children in Dallas County and provide access to vaccines for those who face difficulties because of insurance or transportation.

Dallas County authorized the institution of a mobile dietician clinic to begin alleviating issues posed by food deserts in the county, as previously reported by The Dallas Express.

The Dallas County Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) of 2022 revealed that Texas has the leading amount of uninsured persons in the United States at 17%. The City of Dallas has a rate of 21%.


“If you’re not able to come to one of our clinics, this increases the access, and by going directly to the school campuses will reduce school absenteeism,” said Kaneez Khan, lead staff physician at Parkland’s Youth & Family Centers, according to the Parkland Health release.

The new clinic was made possible through federal funds through Former U.S. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson’s community project requests. Johnson announced her retirement would begin at the end of her term in January after 30 years of service, as previously reported by The Dallas Express.

The new unit will offer every CDC-recommended childhood vaccine and will be equipped with an exam table and medical-grade refrigerator and freezer, allowing for community outreach events that can last for six hours at any given time.

COVID-19 and influenza vaccines will also be provided by the mobile unit.

Melissa Gonzales, nurse manager of Parkland’s Youth & Family Centers, said that this new edition would be a convenience for local parents.

“Since we come to the school on a day when classes are in session, we are able to have the school nurses escort the children from class to the mobile unit with consent forms already signed, and a parent doesn’t have to take off of work to be present,” said Gonzalez in the release.

This vehicle will visit different sites with low vaccination rates in Dallas County four to six days a week. The clinic was showcased at the Dallas Independent School District’s Fam Jam event on March 25.