The World Health Organization (WHO) has once again issued a warning about a new strain of bird flu, H5N2, that has apparently jumped to humans, according to a report by Gateway Pundit:

The announcement comes following the death of a 59-year-old man in Mexico, who was reportedly infected with this strain. However, given the timing and the details surrounding this case, it’s hard not to question whether we’re dealing with another episode of fear-mongering or a genuine public health concern.

The WHO’s press release paints a grim picture: a man with multiple underlying health conditions, bedridden for weeks before developing acute symptoms, tragically succumbs to this new strain of bird flu. Yet, it also states that the risk to the general population is assessed as low. So why the dramatic announcement and the global alert?

“On 23 May 2024, the Mexico IHR NFP reported to PAHO/WHO a confirmed case of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N2) virus detected in a 59-year-old resident of the State of Mexico who was hospitalized in Mexico City and had no history of exposure to poultry or other animals.

The case had multiple underlying medical conditions. The case’s relatives reported that the case had already been bedridden for three weeks, for other reasons, prior to the onset of acute symptoms,” according to WHO.

To read the entire Gateway Pundit article, click HERE.