Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins announced Wednesday afternoon that the county’s public health committee has reduced the COVID-19 threat level from orange to yellow, advising citizens to “proceed carefully.”

“Today, the public health committee moved our COVID-19 threat level from orange to yellow,” said County Judge Clay Jenkins via Twitter on March 16. He encouraged everyone to use good judgment and to have a happy, healthy spring.

**twitter link**


According to the most recent data, the coronavirus was causing less strain on the county’s health care system, with fewer cases and hospitalizations.

As of March 16, Dallas County reported 459 new coronavirus cases and 18 deaths from COVID-19.

Over the last two weeks, the county has recorded an average of 430 cases each day, decreasing from 441 cases per day in the prior 14-day period. In the county, 133 people were hospitalized due to the coronavirus.

In Dallas County, a total of 573,944 cases have been reported, with 472,799 confirmed and 101,145 probable. The death toll now stands at 6,117.

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, in February, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins lowered the COVID-19 threat level from red to orange, or “extreme caution.”