A 10-year-old girl from Dallas had her surgery postponed moments before she was scheduled to undergo the procedure after she tested positive for COVID-19.

Miracle Sewell was already in her hospital gown and waiting to be operated on when her positive test result came in, forcing the hospital to reschedule the surgery.

According to WFAA News, Miracle was with her parents when a doctor gave them the news of her positive test.

“I was laying down and waiting for the doctor to come in, and she told me I tested positive,” Sewell told WFAA in an interview.

The 10-year-old’s family revealed that she had been waiting for years to have the surgery.

Miracle’s condition causes her to lose balance, and sometimes she falls during recess in school. Miracle told WFAA News that she has fluids in her ears, and she hears lots of beeping sounds in her ears.

To correct this defect in the ten-year-old, doctors recommended adenoidectomy surgery.

Priscilla Sewell, Miracle’s mother, revealed that the 10-year-old’s medical condition is draining the family financially.

“My 22-year-old son moved back in the house, and he’s working 18 hours a day to support us,” Priscilla shared.

Priscilla added that Miracle is scared and emotional at the moment.

Stephen Love, President, and CEO at the DFW Hospital Council, said many patients discover they have COVID just before surgery. Love revealed that this situation forces doctors to work double duty and treat the patients immediately.

Patients are required to get tested for COVID before surgery.

Everyone at the Sewell household has been tested and awaiting their test results. In the meantime, the family has set up a GoFundMe page where they are hoping to raise funds for Miracle’s surgery and recovery.