(The Center Square) – A new poll conducted by Defend Texas Liberty PAC shows that more newly registered voters in Texas are registering as Republicans and hold conservative viewpoints.

There are over 1.1 million new registered voters in Texas, the PAC said, with Texas registering more voters since November 2020 than the entire registered populations of the eight smallest U.S. states. The PAC cites Census Bureau and state voter registration data compiled by World Population Review.

According to the more than 900 new registered voters in Texas surveyed, if the general election were held today, 59% said they’d vote Republican, 41% Democrat.

The survey only polled new registrants, who are defined as someone who registered to vote after the deadline to participate in the November 2020 general election and had no previous voting history in Texas.

The poll found that more newly registered voters between the ages of 18 and 34 registered as Republican (38%) than as Democrat (27%). Among young Independents, 54% said they were likely to vote Republican, 46% likely Democrat.

Jonathan Stickland, founder of Defend Texas Liberty PAC stated, “It’s clear that new registered voters are ready to help us keep Texas red and support a bold conservative cultural agenda in 2023. Texas Republicans should force Democrats to justify their radical positions on sexualizing our children and forcing Texans to get vaccinated or get fired.”

Among those polled, newly registered voters, 49% of Democrats and 41% of Republicans, said they’d lived in Texas for less than two years; 37% of Democrats and 43% of Republicans said they’d lived in Texas for 10 years or more and registered for the first time to vote in November.

Among the Republicans polled, 63% said they would vote for Donald Trump for president. Among all newly registered voters polled, 46% expressed a favorable rating of Trump; 44% unfavorable. Among them, 81% of Republicans expressed support, 94% of Democrats expressed opposition.

Among Democrats polled, 68% said they most aligned with the policies of U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-New York.

When it came to specific issues, the majority polled, 65%, said it shouldn’t be “legal for Texas parents to sexually transition their children through permanent puberty blockers and transition surgery.” Along party lines, 90% of Republicans said it shouldn’t be legal, 62% of Democrats said it should.

The majority polled, 62%, expressed support for the death penalty, with the majority of Republicans and Independents expressing support.

When it comes to whether or not “Texas should give taxpayer subsidies to illegal immigrants,” 65% said no; 19% said yes. The overwhelming majority of Republicans and Independents oppose such subsidies.

When it comes to Texas’ $27 billion surplus, the majority polled, 66%, said it should be used to lower property taxes.

An overwhelming majority of respondents, 71%, comprised mostly of Republicans and Independents, said employers should not be allowed to terminate employees based on their vaccine status.

The survey was conducted between Aug. 14 and 21 among 952 registered voters in Texas through a series of interactive voice response calls and SMS messages. Survey respondents were randomly selected from a demographically proportionate sample of voters who participated in the 2022 Republican primary election or primary runoff election this year. It has a 3.18% margin of error with a confidence level of 95%.