U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, claimed that the FBI is “purging” employees “for engaging in disfavored political speech” in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler and Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz were both sent copies of the letter, dated June 7.

Multiple whistleblowers at the law enforcement agency have come forward alleging retaliatory actions against employees who expressed “disfavored political speech,” according to the Ohio Congressman. The letter redacted the names and positions of the alleged whistleblowers.

One instance Jordan highlights in the letter involves a veteran of the law enforcement agency who was allegedly retaliated against for disagreeing with officials’ conclusions about the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The veteran’s security clearance was suspended before they were suspended indefinitely from duty and pay after sharing “personal views that the FBI was not being entirely forthcoming about the events of January 6.”

“As a result, the FBI determined that [REDACTED] had ‘espoused conspiratorial views’ and ‘promoted unreliable information which indicates support for the events of January 6,’ and therefore the FBI questioned allegiance to the United States,” Jordan wrote.

Jordan said the same suspended individual had “been rated as ‘Exceeds Fully Successful’ in performance evaluations, has received several awards, and has never been disciplined or reprimanded until this instance.”

The congressman also highlighted another instance involving a separate “whistleblower, who has since left the FBI” for allegedly being retaliated against for criticizing the FBI in an anonymous survey taken of employees following January 6, 2021.

“The FBI allegedly escalated an adverse personnel action against this employee after [REDACTED] commented on the survey, which sought feedback about the [REDACTED] actions ‘during the recent crisis/command post’ event,” Jordan wrote.

The employee had never received disciplinary action until after he criticized the FBI, according to the letter.

In a Wednesday interview on Fox News, Jordan claimed six FBI officials are alleging retaliation from the agency related to their viewpoints. Two of the individual issues are connected to a school board’s memo, and the four others are associated with January 6.

The June 7 letter to Director Wray is a follow-up to a letter Jordan sent last month, highlighting examples of the FBI suspending employees’ security clearances for “protected First Amendment activity.”

“Since our May 6 letter, we have received new protected whistleblower disclosures that suggest the FBI’s actions are far more pervasive than previously known,” the congressman wrote. “Multiple whistleblowers have called it a ‘purge’ of FBI employees holding conservative views.”

“We reiterate our earlier requests for your personal assurance that the FBI will cooperate fully with the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General’s examination of these matters and for a briefing on the FBI’s purge of employees holding disfavored viewpoints,” Jordan demanded.

An FBI spokesperson responded to the topic in an email to The Epoch Times:

“While the FBI does not comment on specific personnel matters, under no circumstances would we take action against employees for lawfully exercising their First Amendment rights. All FBI employees understand that adherence to rigorous security policies and the highest standards of integrity are critical to fulfilling our mission of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution of the United States.”