A member of Texas’ Congressional delegation has shown his support for President Joe Biden’s decision to end the U.S. military mission in Afghanistan as of the end of next month.

U.S. Rep. Colin Allred (D-Dallas) believed Biden’s choice to withdraw military troops and end the war on Aug. 31 was a good move to prevent more American soldiers from putting their lives at risk in Afghanistan.

“@POTUS is right. While we must support the people of Afghanistan through humanitarian and diplomatic efforts, their problems cannot be solved militarily or by putting another generation of American service members at risk,” Allred wrote in a post on Twitter.

Biden made the announcement on July 8, and called on Afghanistan leaders to work together to prevent a civil war, CNBC reported.

“How many more, how many more thousands of America’s daughters and sons are you willing to risk? How long would you have them stay? It’s up to the Afghans to make decisions about the future of their country,” the president said according to CNBC.

According to Fox News, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the idea of sending another generation of soldiers to Afghanistan to a war the president felt won’t be won militarily weighed heavily on his decision to pull troops out of the country.

“We did exactly what we intended to do. However, there is not a benefit, in our view, in continuing to fight this war militarily,” Psaki said, according to Fox News.

The U.S. has had troops on the ground in the Southwest Asian nation since the weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to CNBC.

According to the same report, Biden said the U.S. didn’t go to Afghanistan to build their nation.

Fox News reported the president’s announcement came just as the threat of the Taliban increased.