Fox News host Chris Wallace invited Governor Greg Abbott to appear on his show Sunday morning to discuss the current audit of four Texas County’s 2020 election results and then proceeded to ask him what many of us are wondering, “Isn’t it just a terrible waste of taxpayer money to have an audit in a state that everybody says went fine and that President Trump won by 600,000 votes, and aren’t you contributing to this undermining confidence in our election process?”

Governor Abbott doesn’t see it that way, telling Wallace, “There are audits of every aspect of government,” Abbott said. “Why do we audit everything in this world, but people raise their hands in concern when we audit elections, which is fundamental to our democracy?”

The Secretary of States’ office announced the audit in question on Thursday after former President Trump issued an open letter to Abbott. In his letter, Trump stated, “Texas needs you to act now. Your Third Special Session is the perfect, and maybe last, opportunity to pass this audit bill. Texans know voting fraud occurred in some of their counties. Let’s get to the bottom of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam!”

The forensic audit will cover Dallas, Harris, Collin, and Tarrant Counties. It is currently unclear how the audits will be carried out, or who will be doing them. The Secretary of State’s office stated that they chose these four counties because they are the two largest Democrat-leaning and two largest Republican-leaning counties in the state.

However, Joe Biden carried three of the four counties in the 2020 elections, with only Collin County going to Donald Trump, leading many to question if the audit is politically motivated, including Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins. “Obviously, we are going to comply with the law on this, but this is just another example of our weak Governor openly and shamelessly caving in and taking orders from our disgraced former President,” said Jenkins.