A 15-year-old victim who survived the Garland gas station shooting that left three teenagers dead is now home recovering from his injuries.

In an interview with NBC 5 News, David Humberto, 15, said he was working at the taqueria inside the gas station in the 700 block of West Walnut Street on December 26 when he was shot and critically injured in the chest.

The 15-year-old had just started working at the taqueria, a taco shop.

In Spanish, Humberto told NBC 5 News that he remembers hearing the shot that hit him. “I just remember at first I heard the shot that hit me and then all the rest,” Humberto said.

Humberto’s 17-year-old cousin, Michelle Dominguez, was working as the manager at the taco shop on the day of the shooting.


“I was in shock that day,” Dominguez said in the interview with NBC 5 News. “I was crazy that day. I was crying, running.”

The 17-year-old told NBC 5 News that she did not see the shooter’s face or hear the person say any word. However, Dominguez said she would never forget the sight of the three killed teens.

“The first time, I just heard three shots, and I was shocked, and I heard another three. So that’s when I go to the floor and start running,” Dominguez said.

Garland police identified the shooter as Abel Elias Acosta, 14. Police said he fired 200 rounds and ran to a pickup outside the store. Abel’s father, Richard Acosta Jr., drove the pickup.

After seeing himself on the news, Richard turned himself into Garland police, but his son is still on the run.

Dominguez suggested that Abel might be hiding in Mexico. “The guy is in Mexico right now because he’s Mexican,” Dominguez said.

The Dallas Express had previously reported that Richard’s attorney, Heath Harris, claimed he did not know that his son had a gun on him.

According to Harris, Richard went to the gas station with his son to get drugs for his wife. Abel told him he needed to get something on his return to the vehicle and went inside alone, Moments later, Richard claimed he heard gunshots but did not know who fired the shots.

Harris said his 14-year-old son ran back to the vehicle hysterically before Richard drove them home.