Amidst the increasing number of Americans joining Ukraine in combat, a North Texas man decided to put his life on the line for the country under siege.

Per CBS 11 News, the man — a former Dallas Police officer — decided to join a foreign legion of armed volunteer troops to fight on Ukraine’s side in the Russia-Ukraine war.

The man requested that his identity remain undisclosed for his security in Ukraine and his family back home in North Texas. However, it is known that the 46-year-old left two children at home in his heroic quest.

The man, also a lawyer, said that Ukraine conducts a short training course for the volunteer combatants and then sends them into battle.

“They are giving three days of training, and they are shipping out,” he said. “Depending on your qualifications, they are sending legionnaires to the front lines.”

Narrating his journey, the man shared that he had to carry four bags containing 200 pounds of gear throughout a 4-hour train ride during which only standing room was available. He also spoke of the struggle of getting into Ukraine through Poland as millions of people are rushing to leave.

The 46-year-old said that he has his family’s support and is willing to help anywhere he is needed despite his lack of military experience.

He explained that he decided to join the war to prevent his and others’ children from having to endure a repeat of horrific events from history.

“History has proven that every 40 or 50 years, you encounter a madman, and if you don’t step up with able-bodied men and women, don’t step up and challenge the madman, you end up with a world war, a genocide, or another Cold War,” he said. “And I don’t want my kids or these kids who are all being kicked out of their own country to have to deal with that.”