Christmas is back, and so are 70-degree temperatures. The warm weather ensures it will not be a “White Christmas” in Texas and makes it hard to get into the holiday spirit. Pull out your most festive warm-weather clothes because the shopping is done, holiday décor on display, and family get-togethers are in full swing.

We have made it through another year and come together to partake in the festivities that truly make this season special. While we spend the holidays with loved ones and unwrap the gifts, they searched near and far for, let us take some time to remember the meaning behind Christmas for all who celebrate it.

Christmas was first celebrated by the Romans on December 25, AD 336, to mark the birth of Jesus Christ. The Romans observed the 25th as the winter solstice, to celebrate Christmas since no date is specifically indicated in the Bible.

Jesus was often linked to the sun, as Saint Augustine explained in a late fourth-century sermon.

“Through His birth and death [and resurecton], He’s the savior of the world, and it’s as simple as that,” said Julie Berry, a Christian woman who lives in Fort Worth.

Julie is a wife and mother of three and celebrates Christmas every year with her family. The Berrys decorate their house, give gifts, watch holiday movies, and remember the birth of Christ as the reason to celebrate the holiday.

“We definitely make sure to do it up while also remembering the real reason for the season, as cliché as that sounds,” she said. “We make sure the kids are constantly reminded that the gifts are nice, but we’re celebrating all of this in remembrance of the birth of Christ. I believe that we’re all aware of the real reason, and we’re trying our best to keep it that way, despite the secular tones.”

Even though Christmas is a Christian holiday, many people who are not religious still partake in the festivities. Warren Schwartz is not a Christian but is happy to participate in Christmas.

“I think the holiday is more so about love and being with the ones you can express that with,” said Warren. “The ones who mean the most to you and having them around if you may not get to see them a lot. That’s the reason for me, personally.”

Watermark Community Church in Dallas posted a series on their website outlining “The Story” of the Bible, which ultimately points to Jesus.

On the website, they say, “Although fully human, born as a helpless infant, He was also the Son of God who had existed since the beginning. The Author was entering His own story to rescue His people. The birth of Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season!”

Merry Christmas, y’all!