Residents can now put their ninja warrior skills to the test in and out of the water at the City of McKinney established a Hydro Course at Apex Centre, a fitness and aquatic facility located at 3003 Alma Road.

On Friday, the Hydro Course officially opened for the public to enjoy at Gabe Nesbitt Community Park. This course is a first for Texas, and according to Apex Centre’s website, it’s the third of its kind in the nation.

As reported by Community Impact Newspaper, the course suspends from the ceiling and rises above the center of the competition pool.

Individuals who participate in this challenge are above the pool as they tackle the obstacle. Upon completion of the portion of the course above water, the participant then drops down into the water to “complete underwater elements,” according to NBC DFW.


There are two obstacle courses for different skill levels: easy and difficult. The “Ninja Cross,” as the Apex Centre calls it, includes objects such as rings, bars, ladders, wheels, and balls. Ages seven and above can participate in this Hydro Course.

Those who are not already members of the Apex Centre can have a shot at the Hydro Course by purchasing a day pass at the facility. The day pass also includes access to the indoor pools, daily classes, and the fitness center for the whole day.

The Ninja Cross Hydro Course is available to participants on Fridays from 7:30 pm until 9:00 pm, Saturdays from 1:00 pm until 7:00 pm, and Sundays from 10:00 am until 5:30 pm.

The Apex Centre’s regular facility hours are Monday through Thursday from 4:30 am until 10:00 pm, Friday from 4:30 am until 9:00 pm, Saturday from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm, and Sunday from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm.

A day pass to the facility for ages three to seventeen and sixty or over is nine dollars for residents and twelve dollars for non-residents. For ages eighteen to fifty-nine, a day pass is twelve dollars for residents and fourteen dollars for non-residents.

For a family, it is twenty dollars for residents and thirty for non-residents. A group of fifteen or more people can purchase day passes for eight dollars per person, whether they live in the area or not.

For questions or more information, call the Apex Centre at 972-547-2739 or visit their website here.