Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont) has established a new committee to begin working on education bills in preparation for an expected special session on the issue.

Speaker Phelan announced on Twitter Monday, “I’ve just created a new Select Committee on Educational Opportunity and Enrichment. With a special session on education matters all but certain, the select committee will begin working immediately to develop a workable roadmap for legislation in the House.”

Education and school choice were among the priorities laid out by Gov. Greg Abbott on which Phelan’s House failed to pass legislation during the regular session that ended two weeks ago.

In the proclamation attached to his announcement, Phelan noted that the “committee is created to consider issues and matters that broadly affect educational opportunities for K-12 students in Texas.”

Furthermore, the group is charged with making recommendations for “[e]nsuring all Texas youths enjoy equal educational opportunity and the freedom to obtain a quality education, regardless of circumstance.”

Additionally, the committee will investigate “Improving outcomes for Texas public school students and meaningfully supporting educators and educational institutions,” and “Modernizing assessment and accountability measures for Texas schools educating K-12 students.”

The Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Committee will submit a preliminary report by August 11th, which will include the “highlighting of options for providing additional educational opportunities to K-12 students.”

The committee consists of the following members:

  • Brad Buckley (R-Killeen), Chair
  • Barbara Gervin-Hawkins (D-San Antonio), Vice Chair
  • Rep Trent Ashby (R-Lufkin)
  • Keith Bell (R-Forney)
  • Harold Dutton (D-Houston)
  • James Frank (R-Wichita Falls)
  • Cody Harris (R-Palestine)
  • Cole Hefner (R-Mt. Pleasant)
  • Gina Hinojosa (D-Austin)
  • Oscar Longoria (D-Mission)
  • Ken King (R-Canadian)
  • Will Metcalf (R-Conroe)
  • Matt Shaheen (R-Plano)
  • James Talarico (D-Round Rock)
  • Gary VanDeaver (R-New Boston)

Several of the selected members expressed gratitude to Phelan for placing them on the committee.

Hinojosa responded, “Thank you Mr. Speaker. Honored to work on creating more and better opportunities for all Texas school kids.”

Longoria said, “I’m humbled to be appointed to the House Select Committee on Educational Opportunity and Enrichment by Speaker Phelan. I look forward to working alongside my colleagues to represent the interests of all students, families, and educators across Texas.”

“Thank you @DadePhelan. I was beginning to think I had been away from Austin too long,” Shaheen tweeted. “I’m ready to get to work on education opportunities for Texas children.”

Frank added, “Thanks Mr [sic] Speaker. We can help all Texas students and all Texas educators.”

Some observers applauded the committee. Education advocate Ross McGlothlin said, “That’s a knowledgeable, experienced, bipartisan group who will do right by Texas kids. Nice work.”

Others, however, were unconvinced by Phelan’s actions and the committee’s stated purpose.

Sharon Hirsch, a self-declared “public education advocate,” asked, “How many committees does it take to understand that teachers are underpaid, the basic allotment doesn’t come close to the cost of delivering services, parents already have choice, and loose gun laws make everyone on campuses unsafe?”

It is expected that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will convene a special session of the Texas Legislature to pass education legislation and consider school choice initiatives in the late summer or fall of this year.