Tarrant County College Trustees Laura Pritchett and Shannon Wood are holding a rogue employee accountable for not following Texas’ anti-DEI law, SB17.

“In early March 2024, it came to my attention that [Tarrant County College District] was violating Texas Senate Bill 17, which bans Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) hiring practices, training, and programs in public universities and community colleges, by requiring mandatory DEI training of staff and faculty,” Pritchett wrote in a post on Facebook.

“Assured by the administration at that time that this training was not intentional and an oversight, the administration worked to become compliant under State Law SB17.  However, recently, taxpayers and elected officials contacted me to inform me that TCCD was still mandating DEI training for its staff and faculty,” she continued.

Pritchett and Wood informed the chancellor that the mandatory DEI training was “unacceptable.” Pritchett also stated that the behavior could jeopardize state funding and affect enrollment at the college.


“Chancellor LeBlanc agreed that the actions by rogue staff is not to be tolerated. She took action to address this violation of SB17 by holding staff accountable and self-reporting the incident to the state. We must and will protect the College, its students, staff, faculty, and taxpayers as we continue to educate and prepare our students for success,” Pritchett wrote on Facebook.

In a statement to The Dallas Express, Wood said:

“I’ve been fighting against DEI practices on TCC campuses since I was elected to the board in 2021. I have held TCC administration accountable to the law, whether that is DEI law (SB17) or any other legal or ethical practice by TCC administration. I have acted on behalf of the TCC students, employees, and taxpayers since joining the board and I believe SB17 is a positive win for all. I will continue to ensure TCC administration accountability.”

The swift action by TCC received positive remarks from the community.

“Thank you for this! With my daughter now a student at TCC, I’ll be watching like a hawk!” True Texas Project CEO Julie White McCarty wrote in a Facebook comment.

“Great job!!! Keep fighting!!!,” President of the Fort Worth Brotherhood of the Fallen, Jimmy Pollozani, wrote in another.

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, nearby Dallas College also appeared to break state DEI law with some of its hiring aspirations. Following an investigation by DX, the college removed a dozen job descriptions earlier this year that required employees to advance or adhere to DEI as a condition of employment.