Operation Warm is helping some Fort Worth students start the new year off on the right foot.

According to NBC 5 News, the nonprofit organization donated two hundred new pairs of shoes to second-grade students at Kirkpatrick Elementary School in Fort Worth.

Operation Warm is a national nonprofit organization that works with communities to manufacture and distribute brand-new, high-quality coats and shoes to children who need them.


Per NBC 5 News, the nonprofit also plans to deliver extra shoes to a nearby campus. Fourth and fifth-grade students will receive free socks.

Operation Warm chose Kirkpatrick Elementary and the other schools benefiting from the initiative based on school demographics and student needs. 

Kirkpatrick Elementary Principal Nancy Atkinson explained the importance of meeting the basic needs of students. According to her, if students’ basic needs are met, they “can come to campus and focus on their academics.”

However, Atkinson said that donations like this help the students with more than just their physical needs. “I definitely think it helps with their self-confidence, definitely think it focuses on the whole child,” she said.