On October 29, 2021, White Rock Montessori announced a new program opening for children ages eighteen months to six years for the 2022-2023 school year.

The school, located in Dallas, Texas, is a registered non-profit institution affiliated with the American Montessori Society, the North American Montessori Teachers’ Association, and the International Montessori Council.

Historically, White Rock Montessori has enjoyed steady leadership. Principal Emeritus Sue Henry is one of the founders of the school, which is staffed by 28 professional teachers and staff members, including specialists in visual and performing arts, environmental studies, physical education, Spanish, and music.


All of the teachers in this school, which integrates the arts, have degrees from accredited Montessori training programs, plus their college degrees.

White Rock Montessori announced today that it will offer its first year-round early childhood programs in its 45+ year history in East Dallas to be more responsive to the needs of today’s busy families.

Realizing that year-round care for younger children is critical in today’s environment and filling the gaps during the summer months and vacations is difficult for parents, the new programs were developed in that spirit and are expected to open in August 2022.

This project aims to create inclusive options for families with working parents, provide equitable access to quality early childhood programs, and offer consistent care to young children during the summer and regular school years.

Connie Laufersky, Director of White Rock Montessori, explained: “Offering a year-round early childcare program is an essential component to welcoming those who need a consistent program for their child/ren in the summer as well as during the typical school year. We are excited about this new option for current and prospective families at our school.”

You will find more information about White Rock Montessori by following this link: https://www.whiterockmontessori.org/