Irving ISD is expected to begin constructing its first Baby University — a tuition-based daycare program for its employees in May.

According to a Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation filing, the 18,900-square-foot facility planned as part of the project on North O’Connor Road bears an estimated construction cost of $8 million.

That project and another like it are part of the $573.7 million bond package voters approved in May. Other funded projects in Proposition A of the bond package include renovation work and security upgrades on over two dozen district schools, the replacement of three elementary schools, the provision of new transportation and equipment for the district’s fine arts program, and the construction of a Career and Technical Education (CTE) center.


Proposition B covers the purchase of computers for students and staff, upgrading the district’s network infrastructure, providing high-speed internet access to staff and students, and implementing cybersecurity systems. Funding for the replacement of student transportation and the logistics center is provided in Proposition C.

As for the Baby University, it will cater to employees’ children up to the age of 3, according to the project website. Enrollment is tuition-based, offering opportunities not only for childcare but for students’ cognitive growth and development and cognitive at an early age. Moreover, expecting mothers can participate in classes to prepare them for their new arrivals.

The first Baby University has a delivery date of August 2025.

Irving ISD includes 37 campuses and has a student population of about 32,000. The 39th largest district in Texas received a “B” rating for 2021-2022 by the Texas Education Agency.

Like many publicly funded school systems, it has been grappling with shrinking student numbers and budgetary issues, as covered by The Dallas Express. As a cost-saving measure, Irving ISD officials recently announced the closure of two campuses next school year — Britain and Elliott elementary schools — and the rezoning of attendance zones.