
Bombshell Claims of GCISD Teacher Misconduct

Bombshell Claims of GCISD Teacher Misconduct
Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District flag | Image by WFAA

In a letter to Principal Alex Fingers of Grapevine High School that has been obtained by The Dallas Express, a mother claimed that her child was encouraged and influenced to transition genders by a teacher and a counselor in the Grapevine-Colleyville school district.

Sharla Tinsen wrote that her child’s “identity shift” began at Cross Timbers Middle School and continued into the child’s ninth and 10th-grade years at Grapevine High School.

Tinsen claimed that specific staff at GCISD encouraged “an impressionable teen and other kids in his classes to explore their sexual preferences/identity and their gender fluidity.”

She specifically named Emily Ramser, who teaches advanced English courses for the district, as having encouraged and influenced the transition. In her letter, Tinsen alleges that Ramser “infected” her child “by telling him his mom would not accept him and that it was best for him to run away from home (which he did in Jan 2021).”

Tinsen also claimed that Ramser “maintained a personal library on gender identity in her classroom and had promoted the book ‘The Prince and the Dressmaker’ to be passed around her class for all of the students to read” in an effort to normalize transgender topics.

At the time, Ramser was the faculty sponsor for the district’s Gay Straight Alliance Club, which Tinsen claimed the teacher used “to mold our teens not only to accept the LGBTQ+ agenda but to indoctrinate and confuse their own gender identities — the essence of gender dysphoria.”

According to her Linkedin, the teacher has published at least four works, including her most recent, entitled Uhaul: A Collection of Lesbian Love Poems. Ramser maintains a professional website in which she describes herself as a “queer activist-poet-scholar-educator.”

Tinsen also laid blame for her child’s transition on a GCISD counselor, whom she claimed “spent time … giving [her child] ‘gender-affirming care,'” which Tinsen said amounts to “advocating for sex changes for kids.”

The counselor, however, may just be following established district practices. In a September 2019 video on the official GCISD YouTube channel, an outside counseling firm gave a training presentation to GCISD staff on topics including transgender youth, gender identity, and gender-neutral language.

In the video, the presenter advocated for GCISD staff to recommend that children seek out the controversial GENECIS Clinic, which is now the center of an ongoing legal battle, to assist with transitioning.

“I hope and pray you will never have to feel the pain I have gone through,” Tinsen wrote to Fingers in her letter, “trying to talk to your child but […] he has been poisoned by those you trusted.”

“I am writing to let you know the harmful consequences of allowing these teachings, teachers, and other (sic) like them, to remain in the district. … I shudder to think how many other minds have been poisoned by this warped ideology,” Tinsen reproached.

In her letter, she went on to lament that her child is now a member of the “group with the highest suicide rate in our culture” and “may soon choose to stunt his own growth with hormones, or worse, to have surgery he can never be reversed.”

She closed her letter imploring Principal Fingers to take action, calling on him to help “by weeding out teachers with social agendas to sexual our kids at any age.”

“You must fix this,” Tinsen demanded.

In a phone interview with The Dallas Express, Tinsen said she had recently spoken with Fingers after the delivery of her letter. In their conversation, Fingers said that Ramser would no longer be the faculty sponsor of the Gay-Straight Alliance Club and that the teacher had been instructed to remove her personal library from her classroom.

Tinsen also said that her hope for the future is that the “chaos, confusion, and anarchy” of “gender fluidity ideology” is addressed at GCISD. She added that she is hopeful for the actions of the new GCISD school board, which she believes is starting to address such topics.

The Dallas Express reached out to Principal Fingers and other GCISD faculty for comment and received the following response:

“GCISD does not comment on individual student or employee matters. The district takes all parent concerns seriously and works with all involved to take any necessary steps to best serve our students and families.”

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  1. Rachelle

    This is the reason why we have to be involved in our children education. You teach your children right from wrong from the start, and to always know that if there’s something spoke about at school and it made you uncomfortable or question what you know to be true. They need to let their parent know.

    I feel like these teachers that are pushing this “WOKE” agenda just have the need to feel excepted. We send our kids to school to learn NOT to be taught about how you chose to live your life. That’s your personal business and it shouldn’t be share with the students.

  2. TG

    That’s a very good article. I think the parents are the ones that most of the time are responsible for encouraging their children but this is exactly why things like this doesn’t need to be reached.

  3. Anna Grace

    God created two genders! One male and one female. Man has absolutely no right or authority to alter what God has made!! Thanks barrack hussein obama for shoving this demonic crap down our throats!! Our children are being indoctrinated by liberals who themselves were indoctrinated by liberal professors! Please do not allow these teachers to have access to our children! PLEASE! STOP IT NOW!!

    • John Ham

      Gee. I guess all teachers and college professors are liberals and need to find other jobs. Where’s your diploma?

      • Margaret Foster

        As a student for both my BS and my MS I assure you that many are. But, in their roles they are speaking to adults, albeit young ones, who can make personal choices. This is different. These children are minors and this teacher was 100% wrong to speak as she did with this student. If the child trusted her enough to confide in her she needed to send the child to the counselor and advise the counselor of the situation. They are trained to handle these things appropriately and legally. The parents can sue the teacher herself and the district as her employer for providing inadequate training and supervision. This is a horrible situation all around and rests 100% on that teacher.

    • U4eeahh

      Apparently, this will come as a shock to you…but gay people existed before Obama was born, looooong before

    • Sterling G Hamilton

      Where does she ever say that she does not love her child. This is the democratic BS that she was talking about. She talks about our children’s minds being influenced toward an agenda and she is automatically accused of hating her child.
      What if the child never thought about this subject until they were exposed to it in a classroom? If the child should make up their own minds then why are they shown this in school? Isn’t that a mental directional push? You cannot say ‘let them make up their own minds’ then push them one way. Why not just let them grow up as THEY want? Something tells me that the parents were not actively pushing one way or the other but letting the child make up their own mind. But these teachers were pushing in one direction only. English teachers need to teach English. Math teachers need to teach math. Physical education teachers need to teach physical education.
      Wanna open those doors? Then you cannot complain when an English teacher starts teaching Christianity in their classroom.

  4. caseyp

    She should be immediately fired, never be allowed to teach or be near children ever again.

  5. Brooke Doris

    We in this school district. If this child commits suicide, it will be because their mother refuses to accept them for who they are. Being gay or transgender is no different from being straight. You don’t choose it, you can’t be talked into it. You just are, and you’ve known it your entire life. Her child finally found support and acceptance. Sadly, it was not from mommy dearest.

    • Janet

      I agree. While it is true that we as parents hope our children are in our image and grow up to be what we want them to be, the reality of it is we can’t forever shield them from the complexities of life, and exposure to all types of people including LGBTQ. True, it starts at home, and i hope this child felt and feels comfortable enough to discuss their struggles with the parents. Too often parents expect teachers and educators to do their job for them and be the ones to guide their child in the direction the parents want their child to go. If they truly believe in the God they profess to believe in, they should accept whatever He has put into the child’s heart, and no teacher (or parent for that matter) can change that.

    • Michael Doran Kingsley

      You are filth and you being filth is the best part of you.
      Have you ever wondered why you are so unhappy?

      • Sterling G Hamilton

        Yep, and that right there^^^^ is why most people cannot have a discussion about this. Someone is alway not intelligent enough to express themselves so they simply attack and condemn the others.
        Even if we feel they are wrong, how can you expect them to even come close to listening if your whole attitude is ‘YOU ARE FILTH!!!’?

    • AngryMom

      BS. Parental rights are primary. Schools and teachers are hired by parents — taxpayers — to prepare their kids for adult life, not brainwash them into hating their own body. Lawsuits are the only way to stop this criminal behavior and I have no doubt they are coming.

    • Sterling G Hamilton

      How do you know that this child had ever thought about being gay until they were talked to about it in the classroom? If they are to make up their own minds, then how can they when they are directed toward one direction? Do you think the parents have been constantly telling them that they must be heterosexual or do you think they have just let them grow and make up their own minds? If they feel they are homosexual, do you not think they will look into it on their phones or computers?
      What are you so afraid of that you have to TEACH them one way but not stress the other side equally? In teaching about reading, writing, and arithmetics (which is what they are supposed to be doing), how are they pushing one way or the other? When a teacher goes outside of those teachings and teaches about something that has nothing to do with their jobs, they are wrong.
      And, if a child questions them about homosexuality, then why are they so afraid to sit down with the child and their parents and talk about it?
      I have told my daughter that no matter how she lives her life, she will never doubt that I love her. If she becomes a drugged out prostitute lying in a gutter, I will not support her lifestyle but I will lie down beside her if that is what it takes to reassure her that I still love her. Any parent that says that they do not love their children for any reason should never have been a parent.

    • Jaybo1

      Brooke Doris : You are not born gay so you are dead wrong…it is a choice and obviously can be obtained by ” coaching ” from gay individuals…if a person chooses to be gay then that’s up to them but it shouldn’t be taught in our schools..

  6. Fred Vincent Sr

    We are trying to change re-creation ( the process of creating new life ) into recreation ( serving our self gratification) Same exact spelling but different pronunciation. God and Jesus say it’s disgusting. Science says , Aids, Monkey pox, syphilis, herpes and many other STDs. It’s our choice. Good health and life or Illness and death ?

    • Sterling G Hamilton

      Ever read the Bible? Does it not say to be in this world but not of it? Did Jesus not say to live your enemy? Ever killed an ant or roach in your house? Doesn’t the Bible say “Thou shalt not kill”? It never said simply ‘thou shalt not kill humans’. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world…”. Do you read any exclusions in that? Where does it say in the Bible that God hates homosexuals, murders, thrives, or anyone else? Solomon said that “the best we have to give God is but garbage”. And where does the Bible says ‘through you I (God) will condemn others’?
      You might want to rethink what you believe.

      • Jaybo1

        God says men with men and women with women are an abomination to Him…Thou shalt not kill is the commandment toward murder and does apply to self preservation or war…better reread your Bible..

  7. Alex

    Couldn’t find much on the Eric Geist who purportedly wrote this. Is that a pen name for Monty Bennett, the wealthy hotelier who owns this paper and uses it to launder his own right-wing opinions about trans kids and local school districts he doesn’t live in? The same Monty Bennett who made political contributions to the right-wing wackos on the GCISD school board?

    • Michael Doran Kingsley

      Hey alexia, i hope it is and if it is i stand behind him 100%.
      I stand behind anyone who opposes sick female dogs like you.

      • Sterling G Hamilton

        ^^^^Typical response from someone not intelligent enough to express their views coherently.

  8. Anonymous

    This is an outrage, none of it belongs in a school. Sexual grooming a child should be against the law & prosecuted!

  9. Anonymous

    So you’ll just throw out a teacher’s name and ruin their reputation based on the words of a parent? As an educator I can’t tell you how many times a child communicates a situation at home that didn’t occur the way they described it. It is reasons like this that teachers feel fearful they will be drug through the mud publicly for any and every reason – even if they’ve don’t nothing wrong. You are perpetuating this and obviously showing you don’t support teachers. Let the school and district handle the investigation before any information is shared. Apparently teachers have no credibility and every parent is taken at their word without need of investigation? Shameful.

      • pfftstfu

        You are a disgrace to Grand Prairie you dullard

    • Kevin Lingor

      The Fact that the actions of the teacher remain the basis of school district response are true. Teachers cannot promote their personal writings on tax payer schools that must review and approve curriculum

    • Sterling G Hamilton

      “Based on the words of the parent”? The teacher is an advocate for the LGBTQ and had her private library on the subject in her classroom; NOT in the school library where it must be approved but in HER classroom and had to remove them. How is any of that simply “the words of the parent”?
      Please learn how to read and comprehend the words.

  10. Karen GODARD

    Where does this fit in to math, history, english/composition or science? There are no organisations, especially the federally sponsored schools, that should press ANY agenda.

    The first question is what is school? What is its goals/vision for each school year. Start there…agree on that then figure how to get there.

  11. Tricia H

    Reading the comments, I can see why a lot of kids do not feel comfortable going to their parents. I have never seen an article with the kind of bigoted comments. Those people probably still think the “N” word is ok to use. We are talking about confused kids looking for guidance and answers to their questions. Next to parents, teachers are just as influential in the lives of children. While kids may feel more comfortable talking with teachers those teachers still need to refer the children back to their parents. However, looking at the comments, that isn’t always a safe or easy option. If your kids aren’t coming to talk to you about difficult subjects you should ask yourself “Why?” Instead of coming down hard on the people they do trust. I am thankful that my 2 youngest children were able to come to me and their dad when issues like this needed to be explored. Those of you who speak so negatively of the LGTBQ + community and speak the name God need to remember that God created us all, gay and straight AND trans.

    • Sterling G Hamilton

      In this one instance, how do you know the kid was “confused” before the teacher talked to them? What if the child had never thought about their sexuality until the teacher started telling them about her (personal) library? If it is true that they never questioned it, then is it not the teacher that has confused them?
      If you talk of letting the kids make up their own minds, then why should they be talked to about it one way or the other? Isn’t ANY discussion without them inquiring a directional push in that direction? I have never seen any parent actually talk to their young children about being homosexual or heterosexual until the child brought it up. At that point, the child is thinking about it so it is okay to discuss. Anything before that pushes them in that direction.

  12. Roy Hinton

    Homeschooling is the only way to get away from these WOKE communist devils. There are many of these hidden individuals ( I won’t call them teachers ) coming out of our so called liberal colleges. They are being subverted by our college professors who are teaching far left liberal philosophy which is pure socialism

  13. AA22

    Respectfully, the issue presented in this article is horribly one-sided. The only source of information from the Tinsen, and yet we are expected to take this story at face-value as if it’s the entire truth of the matter?

    It is by no means my intention to discredit nor undercut Tinsen’s emotions or view on this issue, but as a student attending this school, one of the very first things we learn is to always use multiple sources of information to present as much of the truth as possible.

    As an individual who offers another viewpoint, this article does not contain all the information necessary to fully comprehend the situation. It is an extreme, blown-out-of-proportion tale that uses bits and pieces of the interview to push all the blame onto Ramser. For example, the article states that Ramser told the student it would be be best to run away from home, yet many students who knew about the situation in real-time would attest with full confidence that Ramser would never. Additionally, the article absolves the counselor, despite the fact they offered “gender-affirming care” by claiming they were following district practices through a training presentation given to GCISD staff, and yet does not give Ramser the same leeway.

    It fully baffles me that Ramser would be slandered in such a way. Our humorous, intelligent, dinosaur-loving, teacher— the one who would help a burgeoning musician through their performance anxiety, wade through piles of draft writing for an aspiring writer, and work late, ungodly hours to ensure that all of her students, regardless of who they are or where they come from, receive personalized feedback to ensure they grow to their fullest potential— is not the same person depicted in this article, and I, a student, beg you not to see her that way.

    • Michael Doran Kingsley

      You and her are both filth.
      You encourage yourself that you are so happy,, but you know you are not.
      The sadness will always be with you and you will continue to fight it But in the end the sadness always wins.

      • pfftstfu

        You are a disgrace to Grand Prairie you dullard

      • Sterling G Hamilton

        Sounds like that ‘sadness’ has already encompassed you since all you can do is hate instead of having a discussion.

      • Debe

        Michael, I’m so sorry that you are so unhappy with…EVERYONE. We, as human beings are not filth. All people are entitled to live their lives as they wish. Some might not approve, some will choose to live their lives differently than myself, and that’s ok because it is nobody else’s business but their own.
        How about we live our best life and not degrade others for theirs? Ok?

        Now, as for what I understand from this article, if the student initiated interest in an alternative lifestyle and felt like his parents didn’t understand him, approaching someone else(teacher in this case), whom I suppose is living an alternative life, would only be natural. He obviously trusted this teacher. But, in my opinion, that teacher needed to make the parents aware that their child came to them and why. If the child is confused, then, obviously someone is not “hearing” his cry.

        We are ALL broken in one way or another. We will ALL have to be accountable for our choices. We can ALL love one another, but not approve of another’s life choices.

    • Phinaldi

      Render might be fun and love dinosaurs. Maybe she believes in her “cause” 100%. She nevertheless committed serious acts that invade the sexual boundaries of the students. Has this lesbian never heard of Gays Against Groomers? Her actions are looked upon with contempt by many in the LGB and even T community. Don’t mess with children. She should be stripped of her teaching license.

    • Sterling G Hamilton

      Did you read the part about this “humorous, intelligent, dinosaur-loving teacher” being the leader of a LBGTQ group and having her PERSONAL library in the classroom on the subject that she had to remove? How is that without basis? How is that one sided? Why did the teacher not place her books in the schools library where they would have to be approved? Why did the teacher not equally have books teaching about heterosexuality? I’d say if they had done either of those, the discussion would be completely different. The fact that she, as an Advanced English teacher choose to teach about sexuality tells us there was something wrong. Had they been a health or biology teacher, that would be a different discussion also.
      What if an Advanced English teacher decided they could teach a better way of math? Would it be okay for them to teach in opposition of the math teacher? Would the school allow them to bring in their own books on math and teach the kids a different way that was not approved by the school? No? Then how is this different?

  14. EdieS

    Nobody can “make someone” gay or transgender. Likely those educators were the only ones really listening to that poor boy, since he felt the need to run away from his home.

    • Phinaldi

      Says who? Listen to some of the interviews of those who wish they hadn’t, and credit abusive adults with f*ing them up beyond recognition, literally and figuratively.

    • Sterling G Hamilton

      How do you know this child was questioning their sexuality before the teacher brought in her own personal library?
      And, if the teacher was in the right, why did they not submit the books to the school’s library for approval?

  15. LMJ

    The moral teacher belongs to the parent(s)!
    Not school teachers, counselors or anyone else in a school system and certainly not the government’s.
    Yes, she and the counselor should no longer be able to be part of any child’s education. This is not there job nor is it in there job description! I find it funny how we are told “a person is born this way, it’s not a decision” but yet here we have these teachers and other educational staff feeding this gay agenda to our children and trying to indoctrinate the school system. If you are gay you are gay, I am not am man to judge. A teacher or any other in the educational system needs to keep there sexual preferences to them selves. Gay or Whatever, the job of a teacher is to teach a child the curriculum put forth. Like English, History, Algebra and so forth. Not attempt to change a child sexuality. If a child is struggling, the counselor should be notified by the teacher then the parent is contacted. Bottom line is this, do your job and keep your lifestyle out of the school.
    Bottom line is this, just do the job you were hired to do to the best ability. Keep your sexuality, agenda’s and personal lifestyle out of schools. If this was my child there would be legal action taking place on a massive scale. You do not tinker with a child’s mind, it’s too precious and the damage one could cause is not even something I want to think about.
    MW is one of the nicest men I have known in my life. He was a past employer and is a gay man. I remember him telling my wife and I over 20 years ago that just because you are gay does not mean you have to tell the world or push it.
    He said that people will hold and have more respect for a gay person if they would just live a regular life. He was referring to being gay and not driving around with stickers on there vehicles and flags stating there sexuality and holding parades. He said that needs to stop and people just need to live. More respect and acceptance would come by just living, and stop trying to separate from the rest of the world. These are his word’s of a gay man in the professional work place that was respected by everyone in that firm. A good friend and a great employer. I do believe MW had it right. Most of the people today have accepted it but they will never accept it being pushed on children, not that or anything else for that matter.

    • U4eeahh

      This is not there job nor is it in there job description!
      their their

    • Sterling G Hamilton

      Let me get this out there first: I am a Christian man.
      If someone chooses a homosexual lifestyle, how is that ever between me and them? Why SHOULD it ever be between me and them? The Bible I read says that God will judge us ALL. That includes me.,
      However, if you want to have a discussion on it, then we must both be committed to listening to the other side. If a mind is closed, then discussion is futile.

  16. Josh


  17. Sandra Frazier

    Please for the sake of our children to live a normal life get rid of all the staff that has taught this agenda. The teachers mind have been poisoned to a normal life. What happened to teaching reading, writing, math & history? What happened to our schools principles, teachers& counselors? They have been indoctrinated without moral ground. We as parents must stand up and fight against this evil agenda to destroy the normal mind and growth in life of our children .

  18. U4eeahh

    This does seem to be a bit overblown and “Bombshell” this is NOT!
    A kid got support at school when he didn’t at home, surprise, surprise.
    The teacher and counselor should not face any career penalties for being on the child’s side in this tough situation.

    • Sterling G Hamilton

      If you are right, then try taking a your private library of books on homosexuality into YOUR work and suggesting your coworkers read them.
      Would that be accepted at your job?
      Would it be okay for a teacher to bring Bibles into the school and start teaching their students about Christianity?
      Anytime a teacher any teacher starts teaching about things they were not hired to do, they should be stopped.
      If this teacher had simply talked to the child regarding their questions, I would have to accept that. But she had her own private library on the subject in their classroom (if the books were approved by the school, why did she have to remove them?). She is teaching it as a subject and not simply waiting for the students to ask questions.

  19. Kara

    Imagine this angry woman being your mother. What a horrible example of a parent.


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