Despite the majority of Texans across most demographics indicating support for some school choice legislation, the fate of the reform remains in the hands of a handful of runoff candidates in the Republican Primary.

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, several Texas House Republicans sided with Democrats to kill a school choice provision of an education spending bill last year. Gov. Greg Abbott subsequently sided with their challengers in the primary, with several of his picks securing victory outright. Still, runoffs remain to be settled later in May.

While it is unclear how things will go in Texas, a number of states have already adopted various school choice policies.


In an op-ed published in the Arizona Capitol Times, a mother and school choice advocate Miriam P. Antolik wrote:

“Education is one of the most critical components of creating a successful, happy, and prosperous future – which is why school choice is not just a critical policy but is also a lifeline for families seeking the best outcomes for their children.

“… While [Arizona] has made great positive strides in school choice access in recent years, it is important to recognize that until every child is able to attend the school that is best for them, there is more that needs to be done.”

To read Antolik’s opinion piece in the Arizona Capitol Times, click HERE.