Some University of Texas at Austin students arrested during pro-Palestinian riots in April will receive academic probation or suspension from the school.

Emails obtained by KUT News showed UT Austin accused at least four students on Wednesday afternoon of failing to comply with directives and disrupting teaching and learning during the demonstrations.

“Recognizing our commitment to educational growth, we want to offer you an alternative path to avoid suspension by proving that you have learned from this experience,” one of the letters read.

It is unclear how many emails were sent out, and UT Austin did not respond to a Texas Scorecard inquiry about the matter.

Of the four, three will receive a form of probation known as “deferred suspension,” which allows them to remain students as long as they do not violate any additional university rules. Students on deferred suspension must also take an exam testing their knowledge of the university rules and agree not to appeal the decision.


Meanwhile, a fourth student accused of damaging property will be suspended from all UT Austin campus premises for two years, after which he can reapply to the university.

The students have until 5:00 p.m. on Monday to accept the discipline, but they retain the right to appeal it.

University officials acknowledged in the Wednesday notices that they initially considered full suspensions for the arrested students but decided to pursue other options due to their “commitment to educational growth.”

“We want to offer you an alternative path to avoid suspension by proving that you have learned from this experience. We offer you the choice to accept a deferred suspension,” the letter read.

News of the penalties comes months after police arrested over 130 rioters for disorderly conduct during their demonstrations. However, many of the arrestees were not UT students. Later, a number of the charges dropped, including a massive group of 79 individuals taken in during the second police crackdown on the protests.

Many of those arrested were accused of violating Texas House Bill 1925 of the 87th Legislature’s regular session, which precludes tent camping on university campuses and other designated areas.

Gov. Greg Abbott condemned the protests, which first struck the most prestigious universities across the country, by accusing the modern higher education system of failing its students and society.

“Ivy League universities are showing that their time has passed. They are little more than monuments of our past. Now they are accomplices of the chaos they helped to sow,” stated Abbott on X at the time.