Council Member Cara Mendelsohn has once again won the Dallas Derby!

Clinching her second win in as many months, Mendelsohn has maintained her status as the most effective Dallas City Council member based on the results from The Dallas Express’ February “Rate Your Council Member” survey.

Respondents to the monthly survey are asked to rate their council members on a scale of 0-10 based on their performance in crime reduction, homelessness reduction, aggressive panhandling reduction, litter reduction and city cleanliness, street repairs and maintenance, and park maintenance and park cleanliness. Click here to read about how DX arrived at its rankings.

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Mendelsohn’s best score from the February survey was in the area of crime reduction, for which her responding constituents awarded her a 9.2 on average, bringing her YTD running score up to a 9.

Her second-highest score was for park maintenance and cleanliness. She earned an 8.9, a lower mark than the 9.1 she earned the previous month. Her YTD average in this category is now a 9.

Mendelsohn held steady at an 8.6 for litter reduction and overall city cleanliness and an 8.3 in the area of homelessness reduction.

The lowest scores she earned on the latest survey were for street repair and maintenance (8.2) and reducing aggressive panhandling (8.1), which brought her YTD averages to 8.4 and 7.9, respectively.

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Respondents to February’s “Rate Your Council Member” survey were also asked to rate Mayor Eric Johnson and City Manager T.C. Broadnax on how well they’ve been doing on the issues mentioned above.

Johnson earned an average score of 4.7, bringing his YTD average down to 4.9. Broadnax got a 1.5, sinking his YTD score to a 1.7.

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, Broadnax recently announced he would be resigning after seven years, during which the city saw taxes, municipal spending, and crime rise while Dallas officials struggled to deliver essential services.

If you are a City of Dallas resident, DX encourages you to click here to make sure you can take March’s “Rate Your Council Member” survey so your local representative knows how you feel about their performance. Also, be sure to spread the word and refer a friend who lives in Dallas so they can give their two cents.