A 14-year-old Dallas high school student died Saturday after he was shot in a road rage incident two months ago.

Gabriel Zamora was shot at CF Hawn Freeway and St. Augustine Drive in an incident that police have described as a road rage shooting. Zamora was put into a coma by his injuries and later died in hospice.

The shooter has not been arrested.

“We were praying and praying, hoping for a miracle to happen,” Natalie Zamora, Gabriel’s sister, told WFAA.


The family was heading home from a night of bowling in September when, according to the Dallas police department, a 2008–2012 white Chevy Silverado with blue LED lights cut in front of them.

Police suggested that the person was driving erratically.

“Even before the actual shooting, he cut in front of us to where my husband wasn’t able to brake before he was going to hit him,” said Natalie, who had been sitting in the backseat of her husband’s truck.

“Out of nowhere, I heard the gunshots. I ducked down like this,” she demonstrated. “I covered my daughter.”

Describing what happened next, Natalie said, “I had got up and looked at Gabriel. I saw him completely filled with blood. He was looking down, and he was breathing soft[ly]. I picked up the phone to call 911. I was just shaking.”

Gabriel Zamora was in a coma for more than two months. The teenager spent the last three days of his life in hospice.

“He kept getting a fever. They did a CT, and he had an infection,” Natalie explained. “The staples and the stitches they did, basically opened back up because his brain was swollen.”

Gabriel’s family is asking for assistance in identifying who shot him. A candlelight vigil will be held on Tuesday at 3 p.m. at Bachman Lake.