(TEXAS SCORECARD) – A new Fox News poll shows that two-thirds of American voters favor deporting illegal aliens—a dramatic increase over the past decade.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has made mass deportation a major policy promise throughout his campaign, as the open border policies of the Biden-Harris administration have allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter the U.S.

The October 2024 poll of registered voters shows that support for deportation has increased dramatically since 2015. Among nonwhite voters, 57 percent now support mass deportations, while only 33 percent said they did in 2015.


Additionally, 91 percent of Republicans now say they support deportations—a 21-point increase since 2015. Rural voters’ support has risen by 20 points, urban voters by 19 points, and men’s support increased by 16.

Democrat support for deportations has increased to 42 percent from 34 percent in 2015.

Voters were also asked if they were in favor of allowing illegal aliens who have jobs to apply for legal status. While 68 percent said they were in favor in 2015, it dropped to 58 percent in favor this year.

Another Fox News poll shows that immigration is voters’ second top issue as they head into the November election. The economy is the number one issue for 40 percent of voters, while 17 percent said immigration and 15 percent said abortion.

When Americans were asked which presidential candidate would do a better job on top political issues, respondents said Vice President Kamala Harris would do a better job on election integrity, health care, climate change, and abortion. According to voters, Trump would do better on handling immigration, the Israel-Middle East war, the economy, crime, guns, and taxes.

Early voting in the presidential election begins Monday, October 21. Election Day is November 5.