A man has allegedly threatened to shoot up The Dallas Express, naming specific floors of the publication’s office building as well as directly targeting certain employees and their small children.

Over the weekend, The Dallas Express received nearly a dozen different threats of violence ranging from gunning down staff at the office to physically mutilating figures associated with the organization.

One of the messages addressed to a specific person within the company threatened, “You better protect your family with armed guards.” Another email following it up a minute later read, “I wonder where your children sleep. What would you do if someone found out? Do you feel safe? Do you think they are safe?”

An additional message more directly suggested, “You are going to die.” The individual then added, “Your children, and, all of those you hold dear will die.”


Responding to an article addressing the increase in certain Dallas crime statistics, the person further wrote, “If you want to see an increase in crime: wait for me on Christmas Eve! If I don’t catch you and your beautiful family, maybe I’ll see y’all on New Year’s Day. Maybe on Valentine’s Day.”

Another email asked, “How badly do you want someone to hunt and slaughter you and your family?”

The emails’ author, responding to a newsletter regarding the parolee who recently shot two hospital employees in Dallas, asked, “I wonder how you would handle a violent parolee with a gun in your building … would it be more concerning if an armed shooter was on [your] floor?”

These threats were reported to the police and the FBI, and The Dallas Express office is taking measures to protect its staff.

Commenting on the violent language and threats, Monty Bennett, publisher of The Dallas Express, said, “It’s so sad. The Dallas Express is a non-partisan, non-profit news organization that just wants to help our great city. You will not find a more unbiased source of news in town. The amount of raw hate out there is an unfortunate sign of our times.

“However, The Dallas Express staff will not be bullied and deterred from printing the truth … and holding our local government to account. Unfortunately, years ago, news organizations got into bed with corporate sponsors and government; now the news is corrupted. The Dallas Express will never follow that path.”